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#1  Edited By rhacer63
@jakob187 said:
" @rhacer63 said:
" @Immuniity said:
" @rhacer63 said:
" However, my kids would lose there Live privileges if I found out they did something like that. " this a joke? Would you honestly take away their game because they used a shortcut to get like..25 gamer score? "
Absolutely no joke. We don't allow strategy guides in our home until after the game has been beaten once. Boosting and cheating are anathema to all of us. We believe in earning your scores, medals, achievements, etc. "
So wait...  You're saying that customizing your own map the way you want it to work, one of the BIGGEST features of any Halo off limits?! "
I think it is possible you should re-read my post and my followup post.
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#2  Edited By rhacer63
@christ0phe said:
" @rhacer63: troll, troll, troll, troll, troll "
Always glad to see the most constructive comments.
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#3  Edited By rhacer63
@Kutkh:  Great post! Thanks for finding it.
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#4  Edited By rhacer63
@Inf225: If he wasn't willing to guide you and play alongside you, then I would take issue with his behaviour.
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#5  Edited By rhacer63

I think the fact that you hate them shows just how good a job Rockstar did of creating them.  I too disliked most of them other than the Marshall, Landon Ricketts and the McFarlanes, and Bonnie is part of what is likely the second most memorable scene in the game for me.

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#6  Edited By rhacer63
@Immuniity said:
" @rhacer63  That sounds completely reasonable. I had you pinned as an odd purist but as i thought about it more, i (and most people i know) subscribe to the same theory. "
I've never ducked "odd" as an adjective used to describe me.
I think that most people who LOVE games do subscribe to that theory. It's the people who don't love games but love playing them that don't.
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#7  Edited By rhacer63
@Immuniity said:

" @rhacer63 said:

" @Immuniity said:

" @rhacer63 said:
" However, my kids would lose there Live privileges if I found out they did something like that. " this a joke? Would you honestly take away their game because they used a shortcut to get like..25 gamer score? "
Absolutely no joke. We don't allow strategy guides in our home until after the game has been beaten once. Boosting and cheating are anathema to all of us. We believe in earning your scores, medals, achievements, etc. "
How incredibly awkward. May i ask why you encourage such activity? Does it replicate in all aspects of their life? What i mean is, do you not let them read texts books because they should stumble upon the answers themselves, and not simply be given it?  I understand why you would frown upon look at strategy guides in puzzle games or the like. But to complete rule them out and BAN YOUR CHILDREN FROM PLAYING GAMES simply because they 1) Need help to pass something they clearly are having trouble with or 2) Want to get better (example; RTS, fighting games etc).  Do you ever aid them when they get stuck, or is that also against the rules and result in a console ban? If you do help them, what differentiates your help from the help of guides / internet / hint system.  Consulting a guide =! Cheating. At all. This is really aggressive behavior and makes me wonder if you are also a fan of calling high tier characters / strategies 'cheap'.  How about this, is there a difference between consulting a guide to find out how to do wake up moves in street fighter and cheating the system by preventing your character from falling down at all? One is consulting a guide to get better, the other is cheating to get better. Granted they have the same ends, but not the same means, therefore, shouldnt be so rashly lumped together. "
First I should give you a bit of a bio, I've been gaming for a very long time (I'd hazard a guess I'm part of the oldest demographic here). My oldest son taught himself to read at four, and learned much of that reading sitting on my lap while we played Ultima Online together. We've been gaming as a family--first my wife and I and then with my kids--for 25 plus years. We have two 360s and three live accounts (with appropriate parental controls set up). Each of my boys has their own DS, two PSPs, a PS2, a Wii a Game Cube and many other systems. My oldest (17) and I were at the midnight launch for Reach together, and spent the first weekend of September together at PAX in Seattle. My middle son (13) is an avid WoW player. My youngest son (12) is an immensely talented (better than me [not hard] and often better than his older brother [very hard]) shooter player. I let him play MW2 MP (but not the campaign), and have no problem doing so. 
 Your first question is the most important one. "Why do I encourage such activity?"
The world is a difficult place. Particularly when we are young and in school, we are told what to think and how to solve problems. Problem solving and critical thinking are generally not skills that are taught until later in life. I have found that with gaming, my children have opportunity to learn exceptional problem solving skills (and in some few delightful cases [c.f., the No Russian level of MW2] some critical thinking skills as well. The conversations my oldest and I had after he played that level initially were not particularly productive, but as he had time to ruminate on the situation, we had some great discussions about life, terrorism, the place of video games in the pantheon of pop-culture, and their place at the table in generating conversation about the world around us, etc.). That educational aspect of gaming is important to me, and I hope will be readily apparent and equally important to them as they mature.
In addition, taking the "easy way" is not a life skill I want my children relying on. There is immense personal reward and satisfaction in figuring things out for oneself. When one enters the work force, those who can figure stuff out are far more likely to succeed than those who take the easy way. I want my children to have every skill possible to be as successful at life as they possibly can and gaming helps provide those skills.
Now onto some of your other points. This thread was never about their "...Need[ing] help to pass something they clearly are having trouble with..." This was about immediately taking the easy way out. I have no problem changing difficulty, levels (I just don't believe in NO difficulty).
I also have no issue with strategy guides AFTER the game has received one complete play-through. I think strategy guides can point out interesting aspects of a game we may otherwise have missed. That said I can count the number of strategy guides in my home on both hands.
 I never claimed that consulting a strategy guide was cheating. It's just not something we do often.
 All that said, I have never pulled the plug on any of my son's gaming due to game-play behaviour. They know what is expected, and I believe that has never diminished their enjoyment of gaming, and in many cases has increased it. Getting home from work to hear "Hey dad, I just beat the game on the highest difficulty level" is not an uncommon occurrence and their pride at the accomplishment and my pride in them for accomplishing it are both things I find to be quite priceless.
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#8  Edited By rhacer63
@Immuniity said:
" @rhacer63 said:
" However, my kids would lose there Live privileges if I found out they did something like that. " this a joke? Would you honestly take away their game because they used a shortcut to get like..25 gamer score? "
Absolutely no joke. We don't allow strategy guides in our home until after the game has been beaten once. Boosting and cheating are anathema to all of us. We believe in earning your scores, medals, achievements, etc.
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#9  Edited By rhacer63

Marty O'Donnell writes amazing music.
He's also responsible for the other excellent sound qualities in the game.

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#10  Edited By rhacer63

Not a bad person. Not even a cheat by the letter of the law as you used in-game tools to do it.
However, my kids would lose there Live privileges if I found out they did something like that.