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Arcade Dabbling #3

Getting this thing set up with my Raspberry Pi has been an absolute pain. I gave up, and now I'm having issues getting my snes controllers with adapter to work as well. Sadness!

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I can still use it on my PC but that is less than ideal due to the sheer size of the thing. Still it was fun playing Mortal Kombat (the newest one) with friends the other day.

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I've finished off the cash with a base now. It's just ply wood that I sanded down and added some cabinet ball catches and plastic feet to. In hindsight I should have coated it first, but I was lazy. I might go back and coat it later. The plywood bends a little so it's not a perfect fit, more catches may fix that but they're a pain in the arse to get lined up properly. Still it's neat being able to just clip and unclip the base to get to inside the stick.

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Sven Co-Op is Coming to Steam

The Big Announcement

I remember wasting hours upon hours in this game with friends back in high school and then again a few years later when we re-discovered it. Crazy game, about 75% broken but that just mean it was 100% fun.

I can't wait for this, I just worry that most of my friends probably don't have the time for a quick game, let alone myself. (Great sentence..)

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Arcade Dabbling #2

I've plugged it all up and it's working a treat. One switch wouldn't fit properly into one of the buttons (the hole on the switch itself was too small) so I just made that one the select button as it'll rarely get pressed.

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I can't decide on a button layout, I think I'll go with what I have on player 1 (on the left) for both. I'll be playing mostly SNES games with this so that should make sense. The two layouts I've tried are based off this and this, but the one on the left Player 1 is to match the SNES colours rather than XBOX colours, hence the arrangement.

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I'm still waiting on the PCB feet to mount the keyboard adapter, they were meant to come with the order but for some reason didn't so they're still on their way. After that, I have to figure out what sort of base to put on the thing. Also I munted up the hole for the USB cord so I want to figure out a way to clean that up, maybe a bit of plastic or something I can glue on or a nice metal plate I can screw in over it. I'll be heading to my local hardware store to find something.

For the base, I'm thinking just another bit of timber, but I want a screw & bracket of some sort so I can easily screw it on and off without affecting the timber every time I want to take it apart. Something like they have on guitar pedals.

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Rich Yeah Arcade Project

My end goal is a Raspberry Pi powered retro gaming all in one unit, but to get there, I have to first experiment with building some sticks.

I've tooled around with Raspberry Pi already and gotten SNES games working competently using an xbox 360 controller. I've recently bought a simple PCB and joystick with buttons set to make a two play arcade stick. With some pine from the local hardware store and a lot of help from my girlfriends brother I've started on building the stick. I probably won't go too deep in to each step but I thought I'd just document bits here and there of what I've done. Mainly so I can go look back at it myself. And also to start putting some content up on this site so I can get used to everything here.

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Timber is just pine, I have put a single coat of Polyurethane clear coat, stunk out my office at work and my car, haha. Note to self, make sure when you're drilling a hole that it is the correct size. I drilled a hole for the cable to come out the back and judged it too small, then went to a bigger spade bit hoping to just make the hole bigger but ended up chewing up the pine. I'm going to think of some way fix it up, I'm thinking maybe some sort of rubber circle over the top to make it look a bit nice.

Also my measurements were a bit whacky. I wasn't sure how to space it from the edge and as a result player 1 seems to have more timber on their left than player 2. For a first go though it's not too bad.

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