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Rio Starwind's GOTY Secondary Awards

My Game Of The Year List may show my top 10 games yet I wanted to mention a few more by using a assortment of categories. Remember this is a list of games I played this year so it isn't going to count every game that came out this year.

Best Visuals

Who doesn't like to be dazzled by the graphical prowess of a video game? These days it may be a bit harder to impress compared to the days of when we went from 2D to 3D. But games continue to impress me either in how good it looks or if they had a great style that left a big impression on me.

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#1 Star Wars Battlefront: It is real easy to notice how pretty this game looks when booting it up for the first time. Each location looks like it came right out of the movies. Sure it may not be life like yet but this is one more step in that direction.

Runners up:

Ori and the blind forest: A game that looked like it came out of a animated movie isn't something that comes around often. Ori has a lot of pretty moments that'll impress anyone that decides to check it out.

The Order 1886: Every area in this game looks really nice. Along with the great face capture for all the main characters gives this game a movie like feel.

Best Old Game Of The Year

The great thing about video games is that a lot of them hold up no matter when you play them. No matter how hard one person may try it isn't possible to play them all when they first come out. Which is why I wanted to highlight a few games that I got around to playing this year.

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#1 Mario & Luigi's Bowser's Inside Story: I'm disappointed in myself for not getting around to this game till now. The way it managed to tell a fun comical story along with a ton of variety in the combat kept me hooked till the end.

Runners Up:

Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair The madness of Danganronpa just continued in the sequel. Over the top courtroom antics along with a great mystery makes this game worth mentioning in this list

Killzone Mercenary: Most of the Killzone games I've played were okay at best so the fact that this vita exclusive turned out to be really good was a surprise. Each level has different variations on objectives that gave me a reason to replay levels which isn't something I do often. Plus the mercenary view point gave me a different way to look at the war with the Helghast.

Best Story

A well told story can make a great game into a spectacular one. Finding games with a well realized universe connected to a unique story is rare. Which is why I wanted to highlight these games.

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1# The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt: Geralt's tale is a unique perspective on a tale we've seen many times over. After all being the father of the chosen one isn't a easy cross to bear. The many interesting side quests expand the world of The Witcher as well

Runners Up:

Tales From The Borderlands: Even I couldn't believe that Tell Tale managed to create a well told funny story about Borderlands. Yet they managed to do that and keep my interest in seeing what would happen next for every episode. Plus it had a great cast of characters that were fun to watch for the entire storyline.

Life Is Strange: I didn't get around to playing all the episodes this year but what I did play impressed me. The overall mystery of why Max has her powers entwined with general drama of life is a compelling narrative.

Worst Game Of The Year

Every game can't be a hit which leads to a few duds in the almost endless barrage of new games that come out every year. It may not be the best award but it is worth mentioning a few games that I didn't like at all.

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#1 Godzilla:This is also my most disappointed game of the year as well. I had some small hope that this would at least be a mediocre Godzilla game. Yet they go beyond that with horribly slow controls and a linear set of missions that can be competed in less than a hour. Even the upgrade system is a long boring grind that wasn't worth going down. Is it really that hard to make a fun game about destroying a city?

Runners Up:

Hyperdimensional Neptunia U So I can't say I was expecting much out of this game but it impressed me with how much it wasn't even trying to make a fun action game. Absurdly simple enemies mixed with basic beat em up controls made me tire of this game quickly. Not even the upbeat nature of Neptunia and her pals could make me like a bad game.

The order 1886: It's hard to like a story that is easily predictable from the very opening scene. Sure the fantastical moments give it a little spice but no amount of werewolf's could make a sub par story into a good one.