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It seems like a demanding task -- the second (sorta) boss (in chapter 11) only took about 6 or 7 tranqs to take down non-lethally... I don't think you can CQC skulls either, I just murdered them the first time, they don't technically die if you do "kill" them anyway, they just get back up and just warp away as the mist disappears, killing them seems to only be worth it for the sub-objective.

I wonder if you can replay the mission with better non-lethal gear and retroactively Fulton them... hmm, I might give that a go.

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#2  Edited By Roussow

In regards to the game not incorporating your choices into the previously on -- I wonder if that was to avoid the telltale issue where those previously on montages would hitch, and take an exuberant amount of time to load in -- on practically every platform, streaming in all of the assets on a per-choice basis is probably very taxing on the engine, and I probably like this solution better, as it's not completely immersion breaking, the pacing of these style montages in Telltale games is ruined by the tech end. -- Or maybe the Life is Strange prev-on/montage sequences are just movie/video files, I've noticed some of the transition shots in other episodes have been FMV, I'm not 100% sure.

As for the suicide consequences, I would suggest living with your consequence -- and not replaying that scene, it's not like you were betrayed by the disconnect between prompt and answer, you just couldn't save her -- I couldn't either, I felt like I did really well in my answers, but still, I don't feel cheated that I didn't save Kate. It's both Max's fault (and you, as the player) that she died, and simultaneously not your fault -- and dealing with the consequences of this scene is just one of the reasons that makes this game so damn special, it's a complicated subject and I feel the game handles it fairly well -- albeit it some of the dialogue in that scene being a mouthpiece for the way the pendulum is swinging, whether it be in favor or not of Kate's survival, it's a little clunky, but the feedback mid dialogue is welcome, albeit it not so subtle.

As for that office-blame question, I blamed Nathan and didn't look back. From memory there is no way to just avoid answering the question with a; "it's complicated", but at least internally this doesn't seem to influence Max's thinking from here on out, which is fortunate, although that single decision is a little reductive.

I look forward to reading more of these for future episodes, it reminds me of Alex Navarro's Previously On series of articles about The Walking dead -- As for Life is Strange, I think the episodes only get better and better, good luck with the rest of the series!

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#5  Edited By Roussow

It's an PS2 game, featuring multiplayer arenas where players controlled tanks that (in third person) would duke it out, I played on a demo disk that came with my PS2 slim, the tanks had pretty sci-fi(ish) abilities like lasers, and one map was a mayan temple, with lava in the center, I forget what triggered it, but the whole map would sort of explode unless you got away from the temple (again, may have butchered some of those details, but you get the gist of it).

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