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Because its pretty much all anyone in the industry fucking talks about anymore. Every single game that comes out has to be put under this microscope and scrutinized for not being what feminists and tumblr wants them to be. Thats not to say that I don't feel there are problems regarding women and gay representation in gaming, but saying GTA V is sexist for not having a female protagonist, or any story where a man rescues a women, is just a little bit ridiculous.

GTA V has problems with it's representation of women beyond not having a female protagonist. Having 3 protagonists and them all being dudes is one thing, but making most or all of your female characters into misogynistic stereotypes is another.

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#2  Edited By russman588

@nmc2008 said:

@russman588 said:

@nmc2008 said:

@forkboy said:

@nmc2008 said:

Because it's always one sided, always focuses on women, you say gender but you mean women, because men and misandry are never ever brought up as problems, then those people feel like these threads go in circles because once again it's about women and you have the same conversation over and over and over and over, people are tired of this entire discussion as it seems to pop up so frequently even if nothing is going on, I think GB should just have a feminism forum for people who want to discuss these topics. *shrugs*

Alright, men's rights activist yelling misandry, and that's me won awful people bingo.

"Life is so hard for white, middle class white dudes. We're so oppressed." No. Misogyny and sexism are nationwide (if not worldwide) issues. Where are all the societies that discriminate men, that have women with a higher average annual wage than men, where businesses are dominated by female executives?

Until there is actual gender equality, "misandry" is not an issue that deserves to be treated as anything other than a privileged group who does not wish to lose its privilege. It is a false equivalence with no basis in reality.

I see. I didn't know that only white men existed, my mistake. Also, i'm not an activist of any kind, I am a person on the sidelines watching this gender war from afar. I do find it ironic that some feminists say they are for gender equality but when men are brought up we get posts like yours, men aren't important because blah blah reasons, we need to focus on women to achieve gender equality. I didn't know that man's only problem was wondering how many women they will oppress tomorrow. *shrugs*

The main reason gender discussion centers on women is because the problems men face for being men are ridiculously minor compared to the problems women face for being women. This is something that most people learn eventually. I think Jeff alluded to something like this in a Jar Time back in December.

Now I am an outsider on gender professionalism but I want to know if this a 100% proven fact or something else? I am asking sincerely.

You can't 100% prove something like this. So no. You can't 100% prove anything in the realm of gender discussion. It's something that's generally accepted in Sociology and academics.

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#3  Edited By russman588

@nmc2008 said:

@forkboy said:

@nmc2008 said:

Because it's always one sided, always focuses on women, you say gender but you mean women, because men and misandry are never ever brought up as problems, then those people feel like these threads go in circles because once again it's about women and you have the same conversation over and over and over and over, people are tired of this entire discussion as it seems to pop up so frequently even if nothing is going on, I think GB should just have a feminism forum for people who want to discuss these topics. *shrugs*

Alright, men's rights activist yelling misandry, and that's me won awful people bingo.

"Life is so hard for white, middle class white dudes. We're so oppressed." No. Misogyny and sexism are nationwide (if not worldwide) issues. Where are all the societies that discriminate men, that have women with a higher average annual wage than men, where businesses are dominated by female executives?

Until there is actual gender equality, "misandry" is not an issue that deserves to be treated as anything other than a privileged group who does not wish to lose its privilege. It is a false equivalence with no basis in reality.

I see. I didn't know that only white men existed, my mistake. Also, i'm not an activist of any kind, I am a person on the sidelines watching this gender war from afar. I do find it ironic that some feminists say they are for gender equality but when men are brought up we get posts like yours, men aren't important because blah blah reasons, we need to focus on women to achieve gender equality. I didn't know that man's only problem was wondering how many women they will oppress tomorrow. *shrugs*

The main reason gender discussion centers on women is because the problems men face for being men are ridiculously minor compared to the problems women face for being women. This is something that most people learn eventually. I think Jeff alluded to something like this in a Jar Time back in December.

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#4  Edited By russman588

@random45 said:

As for this debate, I think it's because sexism and misogyny are so often poorly defined and are applied to the wrong games, and it riles people up.

The definitions of sexism and misogyny are more broadly used in academia than in the dictionary. What often happens is someone states something in a video game is misogynistic or sexist, and someone who likes that video game can't fathom the idea that something they like is flawed, so they google the terms and proudly flaunt them and perpetuate them as the reason why all feminist ideas regarding video games are wrong.

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#5  Edited By russman588

Have they ever done a similar study with television shows or movies? I wonder what sort of findings they'd get with exposing people to something like The Wire.

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@royce_mccutcheon said:

- I wish people would shut up about Dark Souls for five minutes.

That would be delightful. The site may as well be In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if someone bought that URL and redirected it here.

Dark Souls is quickly approaching Breaking Bad in how much it's taken over the corners of the internet I spend time in. I'm definitely planning on checking out both things at some point, but I'm now intent on waiting for a lot of the hype to blow over so it doesn't impact my enjoyment.

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Thanks for summarizing that. As someone who used to play Injustice (terribly) and followed the competitive scene for a little while, I find that stuff fascinating.

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#8  Edited By russman588

South Park for now, I'll probably buy Titanfall if servers appear to be holding up on PC.

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TNA and WWE are different animals, and they both have unique problems.

In WWE, the problem is that they're way out of touch with their fanbase (Mysterio at #30 in the Rumble is a perfect example) and they don't write actual storylines very often. Everything is "You cost me this match so we're feuding now" (with the occasional "You have this title, I want this title" thrown in for good measure) followed by brawl/beatdown followed by beatdown/brawl followed by meh/great PPV match.

In TNA, they write plenty of actual storylines. The problem is that they don't always make sense, and they're sometimes really, really bad. Bully Ray being a heel thrown into the main event of Lockdown at the last possible moment only to turn face out of nowhere and be the focus of a show when he wasn't even on the card is complete nonsense. Sam Shaw vs. Mr. Anderson has been terribly written ever since the segment where Hemme saw the Hemme shrine on TV and didn't immediately call the police.

On the other hand, the Joseph Park/Abyss with Eric Young storyline was pure gold. The Monster's Ball match they had was good, and it paid off in the exact way it needed to. You don't see stuff like that in WWE anymore. That's what makes TNA worth watching, every so often you get quality writing, booking, and wrestling in one package with a proper build and a proper payoff. I haven't seen that in WWE since Money in the Bank 2011.

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OP, what do you think of Australia Thongcore?