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Genesis: The Blog Edition

Quite the introduction, right? Well, I honestly don't even have the writing credentials of a 13 year old who writes Kingdom Hearts fanfics, so bare with me. I'm SadisticApathy, as you might be able to tell by my spiffy username (that word next to the picture!) and I'm writing a blog. This could turn into a series of blogs that I periodically update or be a one shot thing. I'm pretty inconsistant about these things, so I don't know how it will turn out.
Anyway, I better tell you (the reader who's awesome enough to read my blog) something about me so you get a better idea of what I'm like. Surprisingly enough, I tend to enjoy those interactive moving pictures that you use a input apparatus to to....interact with, or as anyone with a mind might call them, videogames. I like to play most genres of games, but I generally play a lot of RPGs. I've always gravitated toward RPGs a bit more than other genres since I was a kid. I also enjoy pretty much everything about computers. I've built a lot of computers for myself and my family/friends and I always find it enjoyable. The last thing I'll mention is that I enjoy anime/manga. You probably could already tell by looking at my avatar/background picture but if you couldn't, there ya go. Also, if you know anything about anime, you can probably tell what one of my favorite shows is by looking at said pictures (and no, the movie isn't included although I don't think its terrible).
Now that introductions have been said, lets get to the actual content of this blog!
I beat Mass Effect 2 last night. It's a pretty freaking awesome game, as I'm sure thousands of people have already said. It really improved and streamlined everything that was iffy about Mass Effect and is what other developers should look at when they need inspiration on how to make a sequel. The only gripe I have with the game is the planet scanning. It's slow, repetitive and tedious. The upside is that it's a good excuse to turn off the game after playing 7-8 hours of it nonstop and wanting to continue. If you are a fan of games like Gears and/or like talking to video game characters for extended periods of time, buy this game.
Persona 4 is the game I'd thank for getting me on the Shin Megami Tensei train. It'd take me so long to explain why I love this game so much as there are so many things Atlus did right with this game. I picked it up back in March of last year and beat it in October. I intend to do a new game+, but maybe a year after beating the game as that game takes quite a time investment. Now jump to last month. Since beating Persona 4, I had played the original Persona, some of Persona 3, Shin Megami Tensei and just bought Nocturne and was about 20 hours in. Even months after beating Persona 4, I still couldn't stop thinking about it, so I finally gave in. 
As of today, I have put in 5 hours into a new game plus into Persona 4, which makes a total of 68 hours over this playthrough and my first. Even though I already know how the whole game pans out, it still feels like a really awesome experience and I'm eager to continue making progress in the game whilst playing through Nocturne (which is also a really awesome game, despite feeling a wee bit jaded compared to Persona). 
I think I'm done for today. I hope you enjoyed the blog and I'm sorry if the last bit seems a bit boring. I was getting a bit tired as I was writing it. Anyway, for my next blog I'll probably go into detail about what I'm doing in Nocturne/Persona 4, or I might spout some bullshit. Just depends on the day of the week.
Have a good one.