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My Top Ten Games of 2015

2015 was a good year for games, nay a great year for games. To be honest this year has been the most I have played games in my entire life. The last time I played this many videogames was 2011 and I couldn't be happier. This is the year I fell back in love with the medium, the year all I wanted to do was play games. I do have some regrets from this year, I was dead set on catching up with the MGS series to be able to play MGS5, that I unfortuantly didn't do ( I only got to MGS2, and I loved it.) I didn't finish Witcher 3 or Bloodborne. I did however listen to every single week of the bombcast and beastcast, I found one of my favorite voices in the industry, Austin Walker, I bought into the new generation of consoles and overall had a great experience with it all. Oh and non videogame stuff, I went to New York, got a raise at my job, and saw a ton of concerts from musicians I love.

Now on to honorable mentions, I played a lot of games this year that weren't from this year. I started the year off with Metal Gear Rising and MGS 2 back to back. Both fantastic games, that I enjoyed very much. I was actually surprised at how much I liked MGS 2 seeing as it has such a divisive following. People who played it at the time seem to really dislike it now. I however loved the fact that it was kind of a middle finger to Metal Gear Solid by Kojima.

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