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What I've been playing 7/30/16: And what I'm excited about!

So with a lot more free time on my hands lately I'd really like to get back into the habit of blogging on here and writing original pieces. I have done some reviews and such here before but I'd like to get in the habit of writing more and improving my abilities. I'll hope to do a what I've been playing type post and an original thing once or so a week. For now this will be a quick write up of the things game wise that have got me excited.

For the most part lately I have been playing a lot of non story based games, Downwell and Overwatch mostly. This is odd for me because if you'd asked a few years ago I'd would say I exclusively play narritive driven games. For me though those types of games haven't been as abundant. Besides Uncharted 4 I haven't really beaten a story based game in awhile. I'd love to sink my teeth into a 50+ hour RPG but the past few I've tried haven't grabbed me. I've put significant time into both The Witcher 3 and Fallout 4 but I've have very little draw to finish them.

I'd like to chalk up my newfound apprectiation for non narrative games with my increased skill in playing games. I've never been great at games for whatever reason playing competively with friends as a kid I always farred poorly. But as I've grown up I've found that I appreciate the challenge of a tough game more.

Which brings me to Downwell. This game is tough, I've been playing it off an on since it came out and have bought it three times. It wasn't until the PS4 release that I really started to hunker down and even start to think about finishing it. I've been playing it almost daily for about a month now and have reached 4-1. The joy in this game is reaching a new part and realizing that you are totally capable of making progress and once you do it is incredibly satisfying. I'm on a mission to finish this game and have been enjoying every second of it. It's the game that made me understand and appreciate rouge likes and challegning games as well. So far it's easily my 2016's 2015's game of the year.

fuck the big skulls
fuck the big skulls

Overwatch is another game that I've been playing a ton of and really like. It's my most played and most liked game of 2016 and I imagine I'll continue to keep playing it for a long time to come. There isn't much to say about this game that hasn't been already said so I'll keep it brief, just know it's incredibly fun, balanced and rewarding.

August 9th can't come soon enough
August 9th can't come soon enough

No Man's Sky has been on my radar for awhile but it hasn't been until recently that I've let myself get super excited about it. I've been watching and rewatching videos on it, checking the subreddit daily, I preordered it (something I as a rule never do). The promise of the game is grand, and I'm sure I could be setting myself up to be let down but I haven't been this pumped about a game in a long time. A space exploration game is something I've always loved the idea of but the technical and simulation side of some of those games have put me off. This game with its arcade like approach to the genre has got me really excited. Although I have been loving Downwell and Overwatch those are both games I've been playing for awhile and to be honest this year hasn't had me nearly as excited about games as 2015 did, so I'm hoping for this game to take hold and not let go.

And that's that, hope to do a lot more writing in the future. I'm gunna be sure and stream some No Man's Sky when it come out and Ill be doing runs of Downwell on

Thanks for reading!