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#1  Edited By sasnipes
@OmegaPirate said:
Sure they could've left ps2 support in there - but if you own ps2 games, you own a ps2 - go play it.
Not that I'm saying these remakes are not worth it (I would definitely buy an ICO/SotC remake, and maybe the Sly Cooper one), but this is not necessarily true. I own about 10 PS2 games and have never owned a PS2. I have lived with various roommates over the years who have owned one and graciously let me play it. I really was going to wait to buy a PS3, but when the MGS4 version was announced as the last with BC, I felt that it was my last chance to buy a PS3 and not also have to buy a PS2 at the same time.
In a perfect world they'd remake all the PS2 games since the BC was removed, but fat chance of that happening :P
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#2  Edited By sasnipes

Thanks for reminding me about DuckTales guys! I'm going home to visit the family this week, so I might just have to break out the ol' NES and play some of that :D That was one of my favorite games actually for the system, besides Mario of course and the Castlevanias.
To stay on topic: old 2D platformers can try your patience, but once you get the timing down and a rhythm going, there'll be no stopping you :P

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#3  Edited By sasnipes

I've never been this excited for a World Cup! I'm going to watch as many games as my schedule will allow me, and probably have the others on in the lab :)
Also, while I want the USA to win, I've got my money on either Argentina, Germany or England. But hey, what the hell do I know. Guess we'll find out soon enough.

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#4  Edited By sasnipes
@Quacktastic said:
Heaven's on Fire - The Radio Dept. "
I just found out about these guys a couple of weeks ago, and this CD rocks! I'm just going by most played artists, which would be:
The Streets
Drive-By Truckers
Bright Eyes
I'm kinda surprised The-Dream isn't up there anymore, he was definitely getting some plays for a bit :D
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#5  Edited By sasnipes

I wouldn't worry about it if I were you. I mean, try your best but its not the end of the world if you fail a class. Think about it in the grand scheme of things: are you happy? are you enjoying life? I'd imagine that 5 years from now you won't really care about whether you failed some class in high school. I mean, I used to be a stickler for grades in high school, but then I hit college and the grades started to slip a bit. Failed my P-chem class (almost twice :O) but the end result is I'm now in grad school working on my PhD.
So there's always time to turn things around if you really have a passion to, and always other alternatives that you might not see at the beginning until you start to reflect on a event like this.
Good luck to ya either way, things may not turn out how you planned but sometimes that works out just as well.

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#6  Edited By sasnipes

Definitely the PixelJunk Games and Valkyria Chronicles. Those games are awesome. MGS4 is great fun, and I really enjoyed Skate. I would say that Valkyria Chronicles is a system seller to me, that game was very fun (if a bit cliche).
Happy hunting.

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#7  Edited By sasnipes
@Stang said:
" @jonusb: Son, you are a retard. "
This actually made me lol.
Also, being a newb to SF (played SF2 and Third Strike a bit, but just casually), should I focus more on getting through the trials first, beating the single player game with diff chars, training mode, or just jumping into the online and getting crushed for a bit before I get used to the characters? I've got some experience with Guile, and Ken but trying to learn Makato and either Ibuki or Hakan/El Fuerte (I want to have a couple of diff styles so I don't get bored). I can do up to trials 14 or so with most of these guys, then it starts getting hard :P I'd just like to be able to play online and be minimally competitive.
 Maybe I'll see you guys online and give you free wins :P
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#8  Edited By sasnipes

Ooo man, I just got out to Riverside near LA, and they've got the Stone Brewery and Green Flash Brewery not too far away. I love my Stone Ruination IPA, but its not for everybody :D Found it on the east coast in a random store, but I actually still haven't been to the brewery yet (in Escondido, CA). I can't wait to go there this summer though! A lot of people like Hangar 24 from Redlands as well.
Just a few options for you, I love helping other people find great beers :D

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#9  Edited By sasnipes

From my experience, beers run anywhere from 5-6 dollars on the low end to 15 or even more a six pack for some craft/specialty brews. If you're really interested in drinking beer for taste, and not just to get drunk, you should just try out cheaper brands of different types (porters, stouts, IPA's, lagers, etc) and figure out what types of beer you prefer. Then it'd be worth your while to find some good craft beers you can get (or save for special occasions if you're strapped for cash). Depending on where you live, you could have a bounty of local breweries at your disposal.
Belated congrats on turning 21 btw, and happy beer hunting :)

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#10  Edited By sasnipes

Tough choice, but I'd give the edge to Baldur's Gate, I loved that game as a kid and just rebought the 4-1 pack from Europe, so I'm going through it again (slowly). The runners up would be Rogue Galaxy (I'm sure that won't be listed much) and Chrono Trigger.