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#1  Edited By sasnipes

I'm gonna jump in on the action having only minimal experience with SSFII, Third Strike, and some MvC2. Feel free to whoop my Guile and whatever other character I decide to main (probably Makato and maybe Juri). I'm not that great, but its all about the fun right? At least you'll get free wins.
BTW, I'm on PS3, ID: sasnipes. I'll be pretty busy with grad school, but I'll take time to get owned by you guys :P

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#2  Edited By sasnipes

Sound Tribe Sector 9 in San Diego back in February. It was a great show, they really jam out live. I'm hitting up Massive Attack in LA in May (sooo excited :D)

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#3  Edited By sasnipes

GO STATE :D (class of 2008)
On topic, I'd say Castlevania: Lord of Shadow and I might try out SSFIV. I'm curious for 3D Dot Game Heroes as well, but I might have to wait and see. I've got too big of a back catalog to worry about getting too many new ones.

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#4  Edited By sasnipes

I used to be the person that always shunned anime for the usual cliches associated with it. Then an ex of mine showed me some Cowboy Bebop episodes and movies like Spirited Away and Howls Moving Castle, and I really enjoyed them. I've also been watching Samurai Champloo, and I really think it is a great series. There are a few others that I want to see as well, but I also know that a lot of the anime out there is definitely not for me. So I guess its like the others are saying, there is plenty to like and not to like, it just depends on your preference is all.

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#5  Edited By sasnipes

Well if they actually went back and made some scary Silent Hill games again, HD fog would be perfect :)

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#6  Edited By sasnipes

For PSN games that haven't been listed:
Wipeout HD
Pixeljunk Eden, Monsters, and Shooter
Super Stardust HD
The good thing is these are cheaper, and all give lots of gameplay value. I'm a fan of PSN games :D

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#7  Edited By sasnipes

Wow, thanks for the quick replies.  I'm at varying degrees of completion of each of these, and have a bad habit of playing a game about 2/3 of the way to completion and then moving on to another game.
@Axxol said:

" @sasnipes said:

" So yeah, I own all of these games and haven't beaten any of them. I was just wondering what you guys thought was the best of these to go back and finish. I'm currently playing Dragon Age, FFXIII, and some Demon's Souls and loving those, but I wanna beat a few of my old games before I go out and get Persona 4 which I've heard such good things about (apart from the quicklook, which I didn't watch to prevent spoilers but heard was amazing). Guess that makes me seem to only like RPGs, but I really like action games too. Anyways, enough rambling, duke it out for the winner :P "
If you own them why don't you beat all of them? "
@rjayb89 said:
" Shadow of the Colossus.  Take care of that first if you can't stand last-gen graphics. "

Oh yeah, graphics are of no concern. Plus this game is pretty damn good for a PS2 game graphics-wise.

I hope to eventually, if you look at my backlog list you'll see that there are many more I need to beat. I'm just looking for a starting place :P Plus I'm in grad school, so my time for gaming has been drastically cut back from what I was used to in the past, which has just further increased the backlog.
Anyway, it looks like AC2 and SOTC are the current leaders, but I might fit Eden in because I've only got 5 or so spectra left :P Thanks for the suggestions guys!
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#8  Edited By sasnipes

So yeah, I own all of these games and haven't beaten any of them. I was just wondering what you guys thought was the best of these to go back and finish. I'm currently playing Dragon Age, FFXIII, and some Demon's Souls and loving those, but I wanna beat a few of my old games before I go out and get Persona 4 which I've heard such good things about (apart from the quicklook, which I didn't watch to prevent spoilers but heard was amazing). Guess that makes me seem to only like RPGs, but I really like action games too.
Anyways, enough rambling, duke it out for the winner :P

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#10  Edited By sasnipes

Wow, all this hatred for a list. My philosophy is listen to what you like, and let others do the same. I tend to enjoy some of these songs, but I also like more experimental and underground music as well. I don't see why you can't like both, and just enjoy each for what it is: complex music for deeper meaning, simple poppy stuff for easy enjoyment.
And pirating music doesn't have anything to do with the quality of music really (but maybe the attitude of the audience). Just my two cents.