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Dark Knight (The Review)

Why so serious?!
Why so serious?!

I'll keep this short as I don't want to spoil any major plot points at all. This is a very dumbed down review of the movie.

The Acting
There is not a poor performance in this entire movie. Heath Ledger excels as the Joker in every way you thought he would. He's terrifying and comedic, a beautiful combo. Christian Bale turns in another solid performance as Bruce Wayne, just as he did in Batman Begins. Aaron Eckhart turns out to be one of the top performers as well. I believe in Harvey Dent now, too. You can't go wrong with Gary Oldman as Lt. Gordon either. An all around fabulous cast.

The Filming

This film sports some of the best filming I've ever seen. Christopher Nolan is a mad genius. Whoever his cinematographer is needs to win awards for this film. The lighting and image clarity are astounding. As is all parts of the audio. The music adds a huge amount of tension and eeriness to the film.

This movie is easily one of the best movies EVER. This is coming from someone who doesn't like to sugar-coat things either. If you enjoy movies at all, you owe it to yourself to see this masterpiece. It is easily in my top 5 movies of all time.