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  • (PC) *Grapples up to the top of the mountain* "Wow, I'm super high. Let's jump off!!"

    This game was a blast to play. The open world was a joy to jump around in, the grapple hook added a whole lot of interesting movement options to the game, and the shooting feels so great! Multiplayer is fantastic too (minus the stupid battle pass/match progression stuff). The campaign's story was a bit strange to try to piece my way through, but everything around it absolutely made up for it. Cannot wait to play through the campaign with friends when the coop mode comes out later this year (still pissed about that not being there on release).

  • (PC) *insert monks' chant* I love the Halo series. Full stop. Playing this collection quite a bit towards the end of the year as I was doing a series with a friend of us trying to play through the Halo games before Infinite came out. While we didn't make it through the whole collection, there was still some quality fun had.

  • (PC) I think that if I had finished my playthrough this year, this game would've been a clear #1 for me. I still love these games. The changes they did to ME1 were quite good, and I was absolutely loving my time in ME2. I really need to sit back down and work on getting through the rest of 2 and continue the journey onto 3. Someday...

  • (PC) As someone who loved the first one, I don't know why it took so long to get this one. Maybe it was the change to 3D that just threw me off. Whatever the reason, I finally picked it up and what a blast it was. I continue looking forward to any chance I can get to play this game.

  • (PC) I don't know what else to really say about this game that I haven't said in previous years. This game is still a joy to just boot up and play for long sessions.

  • (PC & Xbox One X) Another TVGC Game Club suggestion. This game just scratches that part of my brain that just provides so much enjoyment. The ability to drive super-fast cars through the English countryside, driving through all sorts of destructible objects, and then jumping on the road to blow by other cars out cruising on the road. It was such an absolutely gaming joy to play. That introduction to the game was also fan-fucking-tastic to do with the music just keeping you pumped up the entire time with everything you're doing.

  • (Xbox One X) This game was one of my contributions to the TVGC Game Club podcast series. I wanted to experience this game again except I wanted to see how some events in the game would change if I made different choices. Some things didn't change as much, but I still found it quite interesting to experience the story with different things occuring.

  • (PC) This was quite an interesting experience. Another game that was part of the TVGC Game Club podcast series, I knew somewhat what I was getting into this game through gaming osmosis, but I wasn't quite prepared for how interesting some of the stuff gets.

  • (PC) A quality use of Game Pass right here. This game was part of the TVGC Game Club podcast series I was a part of, and it was definitely an interesting experience to play through this game.

  • (PC) A Halo shooter crossed with the portal shooting aspects of Portal? Sign me up for a good time. When this game was a hot topic with some friends, we had a blast playing it. Unfortunately, we fell off after a while due to playing more Warzone and the inevitable release of the one true FPS, Halo Infinite.