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RIP 1up

So you've probably heard the news, 1up has been taken over by UGO.  Lots of people have been fired and just a strange list of people too.  Why fire these people???  All that worked at 1up were great but some that they fired were the best of the best.  Anyway good luck to those fired.  I'll miss the inclusion of those fired on the 1up podcasts, the best podcasts on the internet (no offense to the bombcast, also one of my favorites).  We will miss all of your contributions to the 1up network.
check out the podcast of the fired 1 up employees rebel fm
here is a list of those fired:

Adrian Frieg
Amy Mishra
Amy Moran
Andrea Garcia
Andrew Fitch
Andrew "Skip" Pfister
Anthony Gallegos
Cesar Quintero
Christina Rosa
CoyLou Steel
Derek Chinn
Doug Parsons
Eric Ellis
Giancarlo Varanini
Greg Ford
James "Milkman" Mielke
Jason Bertrand
Jason Wilson
Jervilyn Jaramillo
Justin Frechette
Leslie Gelfand
Marci Yamaguchi
Matt Chandronait
May Tong
Meredith Stowe
Michael Donahoe
Monique Convertito
Ndubuisi Madu
Nick Suttner
Norris Boothe
Philip Kollar
Rey Serrano
Robert Bowen
Rosemary Pinkham
Ryan O'Donnell
Ryan Scott
Shane Bettenhausen
Simon Cox
Tammy Ross
Tipler Ubbelohde

Good luck to all