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275585 New Game Game I know that there have been dozens, if not hundreds, of Suika clones flooding the stores recently, but I believe Galaxy Mix offers one of the freshest (and most challenging) takes on the genre: We've expanded the gameplay to increase its depth. Stuck because of tiny pieces? Shake the screen to shuffle the board! Is a planet in the way of your goal? Use a bomb to remove it. We've created multiple game modes to fit all playstyles. You can either compete for leaderboards and try to reach the black hole in "Classic" or play endlessly without any pressure in "Zen" mode. The game is REALLY challenging. Getting a watermelon is a cakewalk compared to the black hole. Our game features lovely pixel-art planets, each with their own personality and set of expressions. No ads, no data collected! Last but not least, it’s available on Apple Watch! We optimized Galaxy Mix for that device so that it plays great and runs smoothly. You can enjoy it in 10-second spurts while waiting for your commute or indulge in longer sessions. 02/01/24 07:06AM 10 approved