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The games that got me hooked, in no discernible order.

I was only allowed to play video games on the weekend when I was growing up. Here are the games that dominated the TV in our living room.

List items

  • One of my favorite games as a kid. shoot down planes and then drop bombs on your target, whats not to like? Also, it blew my mind that you could pull out of a death spin if you mashed on the buttons. I think the music from this game will stick with me forever.

  • This is probably the game I have beaten the most. The levels are fun and there are multiple secret items to collect on each level. Loved this game and its digitized soundtrack.

  • I used to rent this game from the local video store at least once a month. I haven't played it since I was younger, but something about putting all the pieces together always appealed to me. Also, I loved that if you punched the mugger, he would have a black eye the next time he tried to rob you.

  • Ok, this game is complete shit, I know. This game made the list just because between rounds it looked like your corner guy was giving you a BJ. My good friend had this game and we spent many nights trying to work around this games crappy controls.

  • *NOTE* I am talking about the NES version of this game.

    I think this was the first non mario/duck hunt game that my parents bought me. I would play this game for HOURS on end. It was buggy, the screen flashed and slowed down when there were multiple enemies on screen. Looking back, it was a crappy game, but I loved it. Every time you beat the game, the back round would change colors for the next playthrough... that is technology!

  • A gift from my older cousin. This game stuck in my young brain and never came out. I still break this game out and play it every year or so.

  • My brother and I would have epic battles of shoot the can.

  • This game led to my first broken controller, which also led to my first lesson about taking responsibility for replacing toys broken in fits of childhood rage. I still have yet to beat this game without the help of emulation save states.

  • Sometimes my parents and I would get to the video store too late on Friday and this game would be the only one left on the shelves.

  • I got this game for my 8th birthday. This was the best birthday of my childhood, I spent hours playing this game.

  • Another great game I would play with my little brother.

  • Any big brother will tell you that threats from ones parents to "let your little brother pay too" were the easiest way to ruin a childhood gamin session. This game solved that problem by allowing you to use the controller to move the panoramic level while using the light gun to shoot the enemies. The game was kind of a piece of crap, but that's beside the point.

  • Ah, the video game adaptation of my favorite childhood movie. This game was "beat your head against concrete" hard and had really shitty controls. I played the shit out of this game and still never beat it, a true testament to what a stupid kid will put up with if a product bears the name of something he loves.

  • My aunt got me this game one year. I think there were like 30 questions in all, what a piece of garbage. The best part was that my brother and I would give our characters dirty names.

  • Ah, another game that you were in danger of getting if you arrived too late to the video store. There was indeed something visceral about smashing 8-bit walls and girders, but it led to me having childhood nightmares where I was being chased by huge anthropomorphic wrenches.