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Back to College

Yesterday was my first day back at college after being off since mid-May.  Its was alright.  Besides it being humid as hell outside it was a great first day.  It was more crowded since this year had more enrollment then last year but I was able to get a parking spot (yay!).  I only had one class yesterday so its not really a good judge (but i have three classes today) but in that one class the professor is nice, the computers are imacs that run off windows, the computers have firefox (yay again!), nice chairs =D,  and just a nice room overall.  That was Accounting by the way.  Now today I have Intro to Computer at 9:30 AM and I have a break from 10:45-12:30 which I will have lunch,  but then at 12:30 I have Intro to Political Science and English II then I'm done.  I did get see a lot of my friends yesterday (went to TGI Fridays for lunch). 

Gaming Wise

I got Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess from Gamefly.  I rented it because last time I had it I didn't really play it so I want to try to get more out of it this time and maybe buy it (it would only cost $31 from Gamefly).  I did send Soul Calibur IV back yesterday so Gamefly should get it by tomorrow and Thursday and ship Mercenaries 2 when it comes out.  I also just got the Flawless Groove achievement in Rock Band, I got it on Maps (hate the song but whatever).  

Pollen = Fail

The pollen was up yesterday, today, and probably the rest of the week until it rains.  I have a massive headache right now because of it and yesterday my throat was killing me.  I have extremely bad allergies so thats why.  On it says the Tree pollen is high, grass is low, and weed is high.  Just great =/.  I guess I have to take Zyrdec (medication I take for allergies) =/. 


The Whole "PS3 has no games" Argument

If you go on any multi-platform forum you probably heard this phrase from some fanboys before.  When this did hold true for a lot of us in early 2007 now I think its just a stupid phrase fanboys use to discredit the Playstation 3 library. 

Yesterday I watched a video on youtube made by someone I subscribed to (who is a extreme Nintendo fanboy).  The video was about some mysterious PS3 accessory he thought everyone should own.  He didn't reveal it till the end though.  He showed two games he bought which were Ninja Reflex for Nintendo Wii (why anyone would buy this game is beyond me) and The Darkness for Xbox 360 (which was used).  At the end he showed the PS3 accessory which was a box of wipes (obviously a joke) and he said its to dust the PS3 because it has no games.  People that commented started to recommend games for PS3 and he just said he didn't like them.  I just said to myself "well thats stupid, thats like saying the original Xbox had no games if you were a JRPG fan".  IMO you can't discredit a game or game library because you personally don't like that game or games. 

Lets look at the top 5 games of both PS3 and Wii (since that guy was a extreme Nintendo fanboy) according to GameRankings.  This is not a "PS3 is better then Wii blog" I'm just pointing out that PS3 has just as many good games as Wii.  Keep in mind the percentages are rounded.

Nintendo Wii: 
Super Mario Galaxy - 97%
Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess - 94%
Super Smash Bros. Brawl - 93%
Resident Evil 4 - 90%
Okami - 90%

Playstation 3:
Grand Theft Auto IV - 97%
Call of Duty 4 - 94%
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - 93%
Metal Gear Solid 4 - 93%
Rock Band - 91%

To be more indept.  PS3 has a total of 5 games at or above 90%, a total of 41 games between 80%-89.9%, and a total of 37 games between 70%-79.9%.  Wii has a total of 5 games at or above 90%, a total of 13 games between 80%-89.9%, and a total of 37 games between 70%-79.9%.

LBP, One of My most hyped PS3 games.
LBP, One of My most hyped PS3 games.
With that being said.  PS3 has just as many games as Wii in the 9/10 area, more games then the Wii in the 8/10 area and the same amount in the 7/10 area.  So why do people say "PS3 has no games"?  I personally think its in the middle of "exclusives only count" logic and just a generalization.  As far as the generalization goes, yeah PS3 didn't have many games in Spring '07.  However that is quickly changing.  This Fall games like LittleBigPlanet, Socom: Confrontation, Motorstorm: Pacific Rift, Resistance 2, Valkyerie Chronicles, and along with the many multiplatform titles like Rock Band 2 and Mirrors Edge.  So I fail to see how PS3 has no games. =/ 

I do know most people who say "PS3 has no games" are just fanboys because if you really look there are great games, for any system currently out.  Doesn't matter if its Wii, PS3, 360 theres enough there.  I guess I won't changed any fanboys minds with this blog post but I just wanted to throw my opinion out there on the whole "PS3 has no games" logic.


Birthday Today

Yeah today is finally my birthday.  Now I'm 20 years old.  =D.  Today was pretty fun.  I was at my girlfriends house because her parents through me a party. 

Well anyways heres what I got.  From my parents I got a iPod Touch and a $50 iTunes card.  From my girlfriend I got Metal Gear Solid 4 and a Metal Gear Solid 4 guide (which is extremely big, and heavy).  From my gf parent's I got a $200 gift card for Best Buy.  I also got some money from grandparents, aunts/uncles. 

Overall it was a good birthday.  Specially the cake at the party.  It was a Oreo cake, which was very good.  I guess the only thing I have to worry about now is going to staples to get supplies for college (which starts on the 25th) =/.  I guess thats it.


Bought Final Fantasy IV

I'm not the type to buy Final Fantasy ports.  Especially since there is about a million of them on PSP and DS but I decided to buy one today.  I bought Final Fantasy IV for Nintendo DS since I haven't bought a DS game or played a good JRPG in a while.  From what I played, its good. 

Lol Wut?
Lol Wut?
I was also at my gf house (she came with me when I bought FFIV) and I was playing her Nintendo Wii at her house.  I was playing Mario and Sonic at the Olympics and all I have to say how much BS this game is.  There is no way Mario can run as fast as Sonic, NO WAY IN HELL!  =/

After the Mario and Sonic at the Olympics play through.  I asked (well more liked begged) my gf if I can have my birthday present earlier (MGS4) and she said  "No.  I still have to buy you something else.  You'll get it on the 17th".  Now I'm sitting here wondering what it could be.   I'll post what I get though.  I just had to laugh what my brother said "Your lucky you have a girl that cares enough about you to buy stuff you actually want.  Most of my girlfriends ever bought me were socks".  I just laughed and said "I guess I am lucky.  Either that or your just have extremely bad luck".

Anyways.  I decided to rent Too Human when it comes out since I replayed the demo and thought it was half-way decent.  So when it comes out GameFly should ship it.  I don't really have any high hopes for it though.


Test Results and Other Stuff

I took my drivers test today.  I passed.  The funny thing is he didn't say anything I should approve on.  Just "You Pass, Congratulations".  Most of my friends got lectured on what to improve on but not me.  I guess I did the test perfect.  I guess I should since this was the fourth time >_>.  Other then that I am glad.  I never have to take that demon incarnated test ever again =P.

Anyways.  I downloaded some of the Rock Band DLC that came out today like My Curse and the songs by Megadeth and Machine Head.  They are really good.  Its about time they focused on Metal.  I got 810 points left just enough to buy Bionic Commando Rearmed tomorrow.   After my driving test I went to the store and got some Mountain Dew and Amp (energy drink), good stuff. 

So my birthday is August 17th (sunday) and I'm turning the big 2 0 =O.  I asked for a couple things.  I asked from my parents a iPod touch and a iTunes giftcard.  I know they got it because I was with them when they got it.  The only thing is.......I can't open it up and use it till sunday =(.  I also asked for Metal Gear Solid 4 from my gf.  I was looking at some of the iPhone/iPod Touch apps on the iTunes store and some of them looked really good, I might install a couple when I get my iPod touch.

I guess thats it.....


Driving Test 2morrow

Alright its 12:20 AM and I am posting this blog because I am going for my fourth driving test (yes fourth) tomorrow (8/12).  I'm not going to say why I failed the first two times but I'll say how I failed the first.  I did everything perfect, did the parallel perfect (even though I hit the curb slighty and was turning the wheel when the car wasn't moving).  The reason I failed is because of the stupid entrance that was split and I ended up going into the exit.  My brother showed me what I did wrong today so I got this down now.  So in theory if I can do everything everything I did last time but go to the right instead of the left in the entrance then I should pass. 

My brother asked the guy and about if there was any other reasons why he failed me and the guy said that even though hitting the curve did deduct points its not a automatic fail and streering when the car isn't moving isn't a fault (in the US at least).  So thats good to know and from a source I have (friend) its the same route so I think i'm good.  Plus its at 2:15 PM so I shouldn't be tired like the other times (which were in the morning).  The test isn't that hard. I just parallel park, drive down some side roads, yield on some street, come back to the place and make a turn (in a devil-spawned two-lane entrance/exit >_>).  Also the fact the guy didn't fail me for hitting the curve I didn't think it was that hard.  I think the test is only 10 minutes too.  I heard some places have a driving test thats 20-40 minutes long.  I guess I should be happy, I am just tired of keeping failing it over stupid stuff. 

One thing I did laugh at was at the last test.  After the test the guy was said "I wish I could say you passed but sorry you made a error at the last turn but you are a good driver if only you turned into the entrance instead of the exit".  At first I said to myself "If I'm a good driver WTF is my license".  Then I said to myself its alright could have been worst.  Like the guy my friend had, he told my friend to make a left turn into a one way street (which was coming out).  The guy I had was nice so hopefully I get him again =D. 

I guess thats it for this blog.  I'll probably post something tomorrow or Wednesday if I pass.  If I don't post anything till Friday then I'm probably hitting my head against the wall for failing for the 4th time =/.


Sonic lost his way

To answer the question of the day.

Sonic has the be the biggest turn for the worse as far as video game franchises/series go.  The once great platformer that rivaled most Super Mario games in the 16-bit era is now a "meh" series. 

What exactly happened to sonic?

Sonic + Sword = FAIL
Sonic + Sword = FAIL
I think Sonic Team tried to make it different when they should have just stick to the original formula which is speed.  Over the years there have been games that strayed from the speed Sonic games are (well were) known far like Sonic 3D Blast for Sega Genesis and Sega Saturn which got mediocre ratings.  Some say Sonic has been terrible since it went 3D, I don't think that is true since Sonic Adventure and Sonic Adventure 2 for Dreamcast both got decent ratings.  The problem is that Sonic Team is straying from the original formula that made Sonic great and thats speed.  No one wants a story, no one wants to play as Big the cat or Amy Rose.  We want speed. 

I'm not saying that there hasn't been a good Sonic game since Sonic Adventure 2.  Sonic Rush for the Nintendo DS was pretty good.  The reason it was good was even though they introduced new things, the main focus was speed and fast platformer.  Sonic Unleashed does look better then most of the multiplatform sonic games that have came out since it looks like they are going to a more 2D focus (even though there is some 3D gameplay) and it focuses more on speed (except where your that werewolf).  However Sonic & The Black Knight is a prime example of what is wrong with Sonic games nowadays.  Sonic is about speed, not combat (which the sword implies).  Like I said though, Sonic Unleashed has a chance of being good since speed is the main focus.

Thats why I think the Sonic franchise took the biggest turn for the worst.  Once great AAA/AA games, now barely making 6/10 ratings on most reviews.


Visited Giant Bomb 1,733 times?

I was just messing around with my browser (Firefox 3) and I just noticed that I visited Giant Bomb 1,733 times I have a picture of it below. 

1,733 times!?!?!?!
1,733 times!?!?!?!
Besides that I bought Rock Band.  I was at the mall and was talking to my friend who works at Gamestop.  I decided to buy Rock Band (disc only) since I already have a les paul guitar (GH3) and my friend is going to give me his drums when he buys Rock Band 2.  I'm also going to get Rock Band 2 and i'm going to buy it from Gamefly but I had some money on my Gamestop gift card and my friend used his employees discount so I got Rock Band at Gamestop for only $18.  Sweet deal.

I'm really hyped up about Soul Calibur IV.  I probably won't get it till Thursday though (comes out Tuesday and Gamefly takes 2 days).  I haven't played a good 3D fighter in a long time (Soul Calibur on the XBLA doesn't count since I first played that years ago on Dreamcast).  Hopefully the game is just as good as the first three, if it is i'll be happy.

The point count as of now is at 151 points with the top contribution being in Conker Live & Reloaded in which I uploaded a ton of images.  If you want easy points quickly just upload images that aren't up for a game.  I think its like 2 points per image so it adds up if you upload a bunch.  Most of my points are from images.  Plus they get approved faster then Wikis. 

Also I would like to point out there is a lag page.


First Bomb Blog

I would just like to say I think this site is awesome and i'm glad I joined.  I liked the idea it depends on the community with the wiki-like articles and stuff.  I already got 49 points actually since I edited some things and uploaded some screenshots.  Great site hopefully it gets even better.

Now I just want to talk about E3 2008 for a bit.  Microsoft's was good (FFXIII, Gears 2, Banjo Kazooie, Banjo Kazooie on arcade, etc), Sony's was good (MAG, Resistance 2, God of War 3, etc), and then there was Nintendo (Animal Crossing....and?).  I know E3 isn't like it usually is but come on.  I was really disappointed with Nintendo's conference, and now I set the state for a semi-rant.

Nintendo Rant

Alright if you saw Nintendo's E3 08 conference and your like me your probably saying "Wtf?". 
Ravi Drums!!!
Ravi Drums!!!
Most of us (and when I mean most of us I mean long time Nintendo fans/hardcore gamers) were hoping for a new F-Zero announcement, Kid Icarus, or even just a mario game.  What do we get?  Animal Crossing which Nintendo thinks is hardcore now (according to Reggie), some casual games, Wii Music (which they made a mockey of the Super Mario Bros. Theme), a logo of GTA Chinatown wars for DS, Wii Sports Resort, a soccer mom who didn't know when to shut up and Ravi Drums!!!!!!

All jokes aside.  That was a mockery of a conference and it pretty much showed how much Nintendo really cares about core gamers.  Now recently they came out with a apology saying that core games take time or something.  You know what I say?  I'll believe it when I see it.  I seriously lost 90% of my faith in Nintendo.  Look at the rest of this year?  What do we get?  Wario Land Shake It and Animal Crossing.  Yeah such a great lineup /sarcasm.  Not saying both games will be bad.  I'm sure Wario Land Shake it will be great since the portable games on Gameboy and Gameboy Advance were great but i'm just disappointed that Nintendo is focusing this much on casuals and non-gamers.  Another thing i'm really disappointed with is the virtual console and WiiWare.  There hasn't been any good virtual console releases in ages just a bunch of Neo-Geo and Sega Genesis games no one cares about.  WiiWare is pretty much the same, the only good game on it is probably Dr. Mario and thats it. 

I'll probably buy Wario Land Shake it because it actually looks good. 
Wario Land Shake It: The only core game coming out in Q3,Q4 on Wii.
Wario Land Shake It: The only core game coming out in Q3,Q4 on Wii.
Someone did say on the forums that maybe Nintendo is relying more on third-parties.  If thats true thats even worst.  Considering the only third-party game i'm looking forward to on the Wii is Mad World which isn't coming out till 2009.  Ehh, I guess its just Animal Crossing and Wario Land this year as far as the Wii is concerned, for me at least.

Yeah that was a somewhat long rant but I wanted to get it out of the way.  Don't get me wrong I like the Wii along with PS3 and 360 but i'm just disappointed with Nintendo lately.  Besides that I have been playing Battlefield Bad Company a lot lately.  I beat the game on medium and i'm a second lieutenant in the multiplayer.  Its a great game definetely glad I bought it.  Besides that, I have nothing really else to say except Soul Calibur 4 is coming out soon and it will be great.  K, Laterz.

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