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Driving Test 2morrow

Alright its 12:20 AM and I am posting this blog because I am going for my fourth driving test (yes fourth) tomorrow (8/12).  I'm not going to say why I failed the first two times but I'll say how I failed the first.  I did everything perfect, did the parallel perfect (even though I hit the curb slighty and was turning the wheel when the car wasn't moving).  The reason I failed is because of the stupid entrance that was split and I ended up going into the exit.  My brother showed me what I did wrong today so I got this down now.  So in theory if I can do everything everything I did last time but go to the right instead of the left in the entrance then I should pass. 

My brother asked the guy and about if there was any other reasons why he failed me and the guy said that even though hitting the curve did deduct points its not a automatic fail and streering when the car isn't moving isn't a fault (in the US at least).  So thats good to know and from a source I have (friend) its the same route so I think i'm good.  Plus its at 2:15 PM so I shouldn't be tired like the other times (which were in the morning).  The test isn't that hard. I just parallel park, drive down some side roads, yield on some street, come back to the place and make a turn (in a devil-spawned two-lane entrance/exit >_>).  Also the fact the guy didn't fail me for hitting the curve I didn't think it was that hard.  I think the test is only 10 minutes too.  I heard some places have a driving test thats 20-40 minutes long.  I guess I should be happy, I am just tired of keeping failing it over stupid stuff. 

One thing I did laugh at was at the last test.  After the test the guy was said "I wish I could say you passed but sorry you made a error at the last turn but you are a good driver if only you turned into the entrance instead of the exit".  At first I said to myself "If I'm a good driver WTF is my license".  Then I said to myself its alright could have been worst.  Like the guy my friend had, he told my friend to make a left turn into a one way street (which was coming out).  The guy I had was nice so hopefully I get him again =D. 

I guess thats it for this blog.  I'll probably post something tomorrow or Wednesday if I pass.  If I don't post anything till Friday then I'm probably hitting my head against the wall for failing for the 4th time =/.



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Edited By Shadow2K6

Alright its 12:20 AM and I am posting this blog because I am going for my fourth driving test (yes fourth) tomorrow (8/12).  I'm not going to say why I failed the first two times but I'll say how I failed the first.  I did everything perfect, did the parallel perfect (even though I hit the curb slighty and was turning the wheel when the car wasn't moving).  The reason I failed is because of the stupid entrance that was split and I ended up going into the exit.  My brother showed me what I did wrong today so I got this down now.  So in theory if I can do everything everything I did last time but go to the right instead of the left in the entrance then I should pass. 

My brother asked the guy and about if there was any other reasons why he failed me and the guy said that even though hitting the curve did deduct points its not a automatic fail and streering when the car isn't moving isn't a fault (in the US at least).  So thats good to know and from a source I have (friend) its the same route so I think i'm good.  Plus its at 2:15 PM so I shouldn't be tired like the other times (which were in the morning).  The test isn't that hard. I just parallel park, drive down some side roads, yield on some street, come back to the place and make a turn (in a devil-spawned two-lane entrance/exit >_>).  Also the fact the guy didn't fail me for hitting the curve I didn't think it was that hard.  I think the test is only 10 minutes too.  I heard some places have a driving test thats 20-40 minutes long.  I guess I should be happy, I am just tired of keeping failing it over stupid stuff. 

One thing I did laugh at was at the last test.  After the test the guy was said "I wish I could say you passed but sorry you made a error at the last turn but you are a good driver if only you turned into the entrance instead of the exit".  At first I said to myself "If I'm a good driver WTF is my license".  Then I said to myself its alright could have been worst.  Like the guy my friend had, he told my friend to make a left turn into a one way street (which was coming out).  The guy I had was nice so hopefully I get him again =D. 

I guess thats it for this blog.  I'll probably post something tomorrow or Wednesday if I pass.  If I don't post anything till Friday then I'm probably hitting my head against the wall for failing for the 4th time =/.