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Good Old Games.

I just signed up the Beta business over at, which would stand for good old games. I think the main reason is Fallout 1 & 2. Those aren't available on Steam, and I don't like the way GameTap works, so seen as you can buy these out right it might be the place for me to get them. I've never played a Fallout game before, but with Fallout 3 coming up, I want to play the previous ones to get a handle on the themes and such. Having said all of this, is it weird that my Icon is the Vaultboy mascot?

Also, I am going to start talking about Flash games in an upcoming blog, and probably further upcoming ones after that. I have already talked about how much I like Kongregate in a previous blog, so I guess now it's time to start talking about the games that make me like it.