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300 Word Review - Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4

This is the first in a series of short reviews I want to make that are 300 words or less. By the way, I have gotten the true ending on Persona 4 but there are no spoilers in the following review.

Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 for the Playstation 2 is a stylish Japanese turn-based roleplaying game. The game follows a group of high school students as the discover the truth behind a string of serial murder cases that are occuring around the once peaceful country town of Inaba and the truth behind the mysterious Midnight Channel that appears at midnight on a rainy day.

The style of the game is very unique and interesting. Sharp graphics and colourful displays makes the game play like nothing you've played before. The fast-paced battle system works with a trial and error approach as you find the enemies weakness and exploit it. The absense of random encounters gives this game an automatic thumbs up.

The characters are rememorable and well established. During your 60 hour stay at Inaba, you will become attached to most of the main characters and will be saddened when the game eventually ends.

The soundtrack involves catchy J-pop with English lyrics. The insertion of a free soundtrack cd was a good move on behalf of Atlus as you will want to listen to the music when you want to.

Every day in Inaba you will have to decide what you will do for the day. Will you hang out with friends and get stronger or rescue people who are in danger? Even though there is a time limit almost constantly above your head, it will never feel like you are wasting your time as you seem to be always getting stronger in the game no matter what you do.

Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 is an interesting and enjoyable experience and it proves that the Playstation 2 can still pack a punch. My recommendation is that you should definitely seek this game out.