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Top 10 Games of 2020

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  • I never played the original FFVII, but this first entry in a series of remakes blew me away with its challenging and exciting hybrid of action and menu-based combat, lovable characters, gripping storyline, and incredible visuals. This game isn’t afraid to take it slow and give everything the time it deserves, but rarely if ever hits a lull due to its balance of crazy action and quieter emotional moments. One of the best JRPGs I’ve played, which sets a new standard for visual fidelity and evolution of gameplay in that genre.

  • There is quite a learning curve to Doom Eternal’s complex combat, with all kinds of different systems and options to juggle, but once it clicks in the mind, there is very little in the FPS world that feels this dynamic, strategic, and exciting to play. Level design, pacing, and visuals are all greatly improved from the previous game, and new enemy additions are lots of fun. It’s a challenging, memorable action game that flows like few others can.

  • This remake takes a game that was a bit drab and dated and makes it into a detailed, smooth experience that fits right in on the PS5. I love the flexibility of progression through the self-contained levels. As a Souls veteran, this game feels a lot easier and simpler at times, but there are still really fun challenges to be faced here. This is the best entrypoint that Souls and Souls-like games have to offer.

  • It’s easy to draw comparisons between Cyberpunk 2077 and classic titles like the Fallout and Deus Ex series, as well as the developer’s own Witcher games. This game shares a lot of DNA with those games that are classics for a reason, and blazes its own trail with its engaging story and worldbuilding, memorable characters, and fun hacking-centered gameplay options. I fell deep into this immersive RPG and couldn’t stop, even after hitting credits for the first time.

  • The jump from 3D brawler to turn-based RPG got me into this game in a way I never quite could with the otherwise great Yakuza 0. The quirkiness of that game is fully intact, along with a real roller coaster ride of a story accompanied by a friendly party of sidekicks, each with their own distinct charm and abilities. It can get a little too crazy at times, and get a little padded with grinding toward the end, but it can’t ruin what is otherwise a thoroughly engaging and even occasionally touching experience.

  • I never got too into any strategy games regardless of their specific style like Civ, Europa Universalis, Age of Empires, etc. I now regret never checking out the Crusader Kings series, which finally got me hooked with its blend of high-level strategy gameplay with character-driven roleplaying. It’s a blast to grow your area of control, balancing war, espionage, and interpersonal relationships. The game does a great job helping new players get up to speed and keeping them engaged through dynamic systems and endless opportunities for exciting gameplay situations across continents, cultures, and centuries.

  • This follow-up to the great RE2 remake may not offer as much in terms of content or iconic moments, but fixes many of the pacing issues and various annoyances I had in that game and flows as a brilliant, concise horror-themed action game. Gameplay and visuals are fantastic and I loved all my encounters with the threatening shape-shifter, Nemesis. Memorable dialogue and some fun levels between the battles really give this game a nice balance between the all out action era of RE and the current era. Had a great weekend with this one.


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Nice list!