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That Far Cry 3 looks pretty dang good and next on the list to play. I really enjoyed Far Cry but had to quit Far Cry 2 as at that time it wasn't what I was wanting. I will probably go back to that eventually but Far Cry 3 is a must play next. I'm on the last sequence in Assassin's Creed 3 and its a good game. The world is really huge and you could lose yourself in the forest for days. The naval missions are great and the game play for it is the best I've seen for ship combat. If they was smart, they would make a whole game based on that. Be awesome to be able to play as a first rate ship. Anyway, I'm looking forward to the story bit of the ending and hope its not a let down.

The Wii over Turkey weekend did what I expected and entertained the family. I had planned on playing Monster Hunter Tri after AC3 but after seeing that Far Cry 3 stuff it will have to wait. I've not been looking for any games to add to the back log and with all the Wii U crap being merged with the Wii stuff, its kinda of a pain to casually look thru the stuff.

So I did end up getting a new HDtv but not a low quality black friday one. I got a great deal on a LG 47" LED 120hz 1080p from Best Buy who price matched Wal-mart so I got a lot of reward zone points. So with the new tv replacing the old HDtv, that got moved up to the office and the old heavy sob crt that was in there is now sitting in our storage bedroom. Its really nice to have a 42" about five feet away from me and I do think it does make Wii games a tad better on the eyes. I can at least read the damn text now on some games.