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Game of The Year 2014 Users Choice

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  • What a game. I had absolutely very minimal expectations going into this game, I was just expecting a halfway decent fps but what I got instead wow. The well told story with the really well directed cutscenes was such a massive surprise. The really well done shooting to go along with it made this the best single player experience I have had in several years. In the end Wolfenstein was exactly what I wanted to get out of a shooter and is what I hope more of them look towards as inspiration in the future.

  • Giant Robots! Wall Running! Double Jumps! Turns out as far as multiplayer the only thing I ever wanted was being able to move and Titanfall lets me do that so much. It might not have had a ton of content, read a bunch of pointless weapons to unlock, but what it does have is top notch. The most fun I've had playing a multiplayer game since Call of Duty 4.

  • The best Assassin's Creed game since Assassin's Creed 1. Fun combat and movement combined with worthwhile side content and the nemesis system means greatness and time well spent.

  • Every year I found myself saying I'm never buying another Duty again but then the yearly installment comes out everybody raves about it for a few months (except Ghosts, which I ended up buying anyway and liking) and I buy it, and regret it shortly after. This year I said screw it and picked up COD on "Day Zero" and it was totally worth it. Turns out all I need is some enhanced movement and Kevin Spacey to make me just love the game.

  • Insomniac are some really good developers. I've like pretty much every game they have made... or at least that I've played (Ratchet & Clank, Resistance, and Fuse yes Fuse). The game is super stylish, looks great, and is just plain fun.

  • On the one hand its Halo! On the other hand its Halo. I may not really like half the games in this collection (Halo 1 and Halo 4 are the best, Halo 2 and Halo 3 are hot messes) but its still a fantastic collection. Multiplayer might have been broken for a month or more but I never had any issues with the single player which is pretty much the best part of Halo anyway (unless you are talking about Halo 4 multiplayer).

  • D4 is crazy and that is pretty much all it needs. The wacky characters and writing were more than enough to give this game a special place in my heart.

  • You play as Dracula in the modern day what else do you want? The story might not have lived up to what was promised by the first game but man I just loved the game play.

  • Ah the Thief reboot/sequel that everybody seemed to hate. Never a big fan of the series I found myself intrigued by the negative press it was getting, I though no way its that bad, and with a lack of good games to play at the beginning of the year for the Xbox One I decided to pick up a copy. In the end I found myself really liking it, enough so that it manages to finish in my top 10 for 2014 and leaving me really hoping for a sequel.

  • Sometime last year with all the excitement over Dark Souls I decided to try its predecessor Demon's Souls and I hated it. Somewhere along the way this year I found myself wrapped up in the hype of Dark Souls 2 and I bought it and I shockingly found myself really enjoying it. I might not have spent a ton of time in it but pretty much all the time spent with it was enjoyable which is pretty rare for any game that I play so it earned its way onto this list.

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