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My School is Canceled Tomorrow Because of... (Swine?) Flu

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A few hours ago I received a phone call from my school saying we wouldn't be having school tomorrow due to "illness". They didn't specify, but almost 3/4 or the elementary school (grades Pre-K-4, roughly 75 kids, I live in a small town :P) are out sick. Get this, over FIFTY kids went home sick today from the elementary school, and around 20 of them called saying they wouldn't be at school.
The junior high/high school wing hasn't seemed to been effected so much though, not many people absent. More than likely because kids in grades 1-4 don't watch their hands, pick their nose, and hold hands and all that good stuff, but there aren't many illnesses in my school, but they clearly couldn't just close down school for the younger kids leave the high school open.
But correct me if I'm wrong, your standard influenza virus isn't THIS contagious is it, to, in one day, spread to 50 kids? I smell H1N1 in the air.   
In the meantime... wash your damn hands. 
 UPDATE: I don't have school tomorrow either due to the... epidemic. Friday is teachers' institute. Monday is Veteran's day. 
Yes, that is indeed a 5 day weekend =)