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My Top 10 Most Anticipated Games of E3 2011

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  • This is a given for me, Bioshock is my favorite game of all time and from what I've been hearing about Infinite it's going to be an amazing follow-up. Irrational knew that the worst aspect of Bioshock was the combat and they seem to be focusing on combat as much as story. For other games that wouldn't mean that much but for Infinite that's huge and I can't wait to see more of it.

  • Hitman Blood money was the best in the series and until this year there wasn't any mention of a sequel. It's been 5 years since Blood Money and I can't wait to see how IO Interactive are going to improve the mechanics and how they are going to top the levels from Blood Money.

  • You already have my money Bethesda. So just show off the new engine and some of the combat or maybe throw around some stats like 1,000,000 explorable locations, and then I'll go back into my hole until Skyrim comes out.

  • The Uncharted 2 demo that was shown at E3 2009 got me to buy a ps3 and that small section wasn't even the craziest part of that game. As you can guess I'm really excited for the Uncharted 3 demo that will be shown this year and I hope it's as crazy as it can be, I'm talking Nathan Drake surfing down a volcano while killing helicopters with his fists type of crazy.

  • Now I know a lot of people are down on this game right now but I think it has a lot of promise. Although it doesn't have any of the defining features of Prey it's adding some new features that could combine to make a refreshing first-person shooter. From the screen shots it looks real pretty and if Prey 2 can pull off first person park-our as well as Mirror's Edge did while also having an interesting open world it could be an amazing game.

  • I'm not expecting to see any story stuff of Mass Effect 3 at E3 and that's what I'm really dying to see. Hopefully some story stuff is sprinkled into the the footage they show, but I'm also hoping they show off some of the new RPG mechanics or at least how the shooting has improved since Mass Effect 2.

  • Out of all of the games coming out this year I'm excited for Battlefield 3 the most. Bad Company 2 is my favorite multi-player game (next to Rainbow Six 3) and that's due to it's Rush mode, which was just announced for Battlefield 3. Rush mode kept the same large areas of past Battlefield games while also giving you the feeling of being involved in huge battles a lot more than past games in the series did. I'm looking forward to seeing if multi-player looks just as amazing as the single-player does but like with Arkham City I basically know what to expect and I'm just waiting to play it.

  • Let me get this out of the way, I loved Arkham Asylum and I'm really excited for Arkham City's release but after seeing some trailers for it I can't help but think it's going to look a lot like Arkham Asylum. I still think it's going to be a great game, from all of the stuff I've been hearing, but I know what to expect from it and I just want to play it at this point.

  • I've never been a huge fan of past Tomb Raider games, the only one I enjoyed was Legend, but after hearing about it's focus on survival I'm definitely looking forward to seeing some footage of it.

  • Future Soldier had a cool demo last E3 but it also seemed like it was more fun to watch than play. The section that was shown looked very scripted but it had some cool ideas that could open up more possibilities in the larger areas the Ghost Recon series is known for. Hopefully some larger areas are shown this E3 because small areas like that beach from last E3 just aren't going to cut it.