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#1  Edited By Slezak

I know nobody will read this, but I just have to pay my respects. I have been a member of this site since a few months after this site's launch (around July 2008) and have been following it ever since. I was a member for a year but I had to let my membership lapse because I couldn't afford to renew it. Unfortunately, I have been so busy I haven't checked the site in a couple of days, which is why this post comes so late. I actually first read about this at I was stunned as I ran over here to see what was posted about it. I've literally been crying since I first saw it. I never knew Ryan personally but I've always dreamed of meeting him some day. Looks like that won't be happening... I regret not being a larger part of this community. I will miss his voice on the weekly Bombcast and in all the hilarious videos on this site... Rest in peace, duder. My condolences go out to his family, friends, and colleagues. I know this sounds generic, but I really did put my heart into it.

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#2  Edited By Slezak

@jennoa said:

@13p said:

Rock Band for the blind...

This video game-based Kickstarter is not as cool or mainstream as the DoubleFine one, but it is still deserving, even if you only donate $1. And I didn't know computer / video game engineers looked like this either.

This absolutely deserves to be funded. I've already chipped in, hope they make their goal.

Being visually-impaired myself, I am always interested to see projects like this which aim to make video games of any kind more accessible to anyone who would have trouble playing "mainstream" games. I am interested to see how this project turns out and, if I had the money, I would have funded it. I am just a poor college student, though.

Now for the on-topic part of my comment: Good on Double Fine for being able to crowdsource the funding for Tim's new project. Publishers may not back it, but the community is obviously interested enough to collectively fund it. Maybe if people were this generous in other ways, the mainstream media wouldn't have anything depressing to report anymore. Hey, a man can dream. Also, by "mainstream media", I mean things like television news channels and their equivalent web sites. Sites like the Whiskey family and some other news-reporting sites aren't technically mainstream in my opinion.

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#3  Edited By Slezak

This story and these comments are just another sign that handheld devices dedicated for gaming are on the way out. Especially with comments like, "It probably looks nicer on the phone anyway," and opinions like, "Even though this game was designed for the DS, it will control just as well--if not better--on the iPad/iPhone."

I loved Ghost Trick on the DS last year (stayed up one night until 4:30am to finish it) and, maybe if I had an iPad/iPhone, I would consider picking it up again, along with the Phoenix Wright trilogy. I'll be looking forward to seeing some gameplay of how they changed Ghost Trick's UI up to fit the resolution of the iPad/iPhone.

Until then, I'll be sitting over here feeling bad for my DS and looking ahead to a future where the iOS, Android, and WP devices are the new homes for gaming on the go.

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#4  Edited By Slezak

I doubt he'll ever see this, but thanks Dad for paying for this for me! It was hard to convince him because I wasn't getting any actual games out of it, but I really do appreciate it and I really hope it's worth it. Merry Christmas, everyone!

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#5  Edited By Slezak

Does this mean we can start to see some more creative music games? DJ Hero was a nice change of pace with its "mashup" idea; you got basically 80-90 "never-before-heard" songs per game because the songs were remixed and not just MP3s set to colored notes that dropped out when you made a mistake. Sure DJ Hero did that too, but 1)you had never heard the song before, 2)the music felt more "interactive" because of the FX dial and the sample zones in the first game, and 3)the second game added in "freestyle scratching and crossfading" and beefed up the sampling system, truly letting you remix the song, even if it was in a very limited way.
Speaking of remixing songs, can we please get another installment in the FreQ/Amp series? That is still my favorite music game series of all time, if only just because you could completely remix all of the songs. Plus, it was a constructive approach to playing music. Instead of the song dropping out when you missed notes, it built up as you hit them. That's what I loved about the series and I would like to see it come back. Plus, with the PS3, I'm sure Harmonix could make the remix system even better and more robust than the first two games could have ever hoped to be.

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#6  Edited By Slezak

Looks alright. As much as I enjoy level editors in games and Rube Goldberg machine making, I just think there are already better things out there for doing that. Also considering you can't upload your levels on the Wii version (the only console I have, though I could get the PC version if I was even interested in this) even though Boom Blox (another EA title) let you do just that.
And one more thing: whoever came up with the game's title REALLY needs a boost in creativity him/herself in my opinion.

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