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These are some of the games that I love that seem to have (in my opinion anyway) a lot of replay value. They aren't in any particular order.

List items

  • Why try to outscore your opponents when you can just literally kill the opposing team.

  • Even if you've beaten it time and time again it's still one of the only games that even after all these years gives me an awesome sense of satisfaction when mowing down legions of undead and evil hell-spawn. It is also one of the only games that still makes you snap your head out of the way when projectiles come flying at the screen.

  • Still the best in the franchise and even after you've beaten the game you can go back and smoke baddies all day or completely alter the way others perceive you. The possibilities are virtually limitless.

  • Hours and hours of my life I'll never get back and wouldn't have it any other way.

  • A game that 20 years later you can still throw in the console either by yourself or with a few friends and just pass around the controller and have some of the most fun you'll ever have.

  • "Red Dawn: New York". By having several options of what to target first, the way you play the game forces the enemy to alter their strategy making play of the game different each play-though. Do you cut off the Soviet soldier reinforcements, the helicopter support, or the weapons supply? The choice is yours.

  • Loot, loot, loot.

  • Yup... loot, loot, loot.

  • If you ever played this game you know why it's addictive. Beating your personal best or better yet, your friends best, drove you to play countless hours of this game.

  • Brutal interrogation techniques coupled with a completely customizable arsenal and a medal system for achieving a high score the longer you went without getting hit... what more could a shooter fan ask for?!

  • A lot of people bash it but I thought this was on par with Duke Nukem 3D for it's fun and playability factor. There were even secret levels if you could find all the time machine parts. The weapons, enemies, and environments were creepy and awesome.

  • Much like Duke Nukem: Zero Hour this game bashed by many but I can't count the number of hours I spent going back through levels collecting Challenge Points and just going through Gall Spaceport, which by it's size could have been released as a demo for the game. It was cool to feel like you "behind/inside" the story going behind the lines and shadowing events that were impacting the main storyline and it's characters. Superb!

  • If you haven't played it... you should.

  • No game was more infuriating when it came to being a skilled player and being able to have your ass handed to you by someone who is just "button mashing".

  • A game that is actually better than it's re-release! This game had tongue-in-cheek, awesomely cheesy but imaginative gameplay and of course.. everyone's favorite squirrel.

  • A game that made almost every nerdy fanboy squeal with joy for obvious reasons.

  • Much like Zombies Ate My Neighbors, if you haven't played it you just won't understand.

  • Much like Super Mario World, this was a game you could throw in your Genesis and just have a blast for hours and hours. Remember the thrill of opening a mystery presents and being pissed when you went flying off the edge of a level because you opened a pair of those fucking rocket skates?!

  • 4 friends, 1 arena, randomly launched green shells...

  • The original that started it all! Still basic strategy, still fun!