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New multi-platform motion game which doesn't require kinnect,...

 So for those bizarre individuals who have chosen to follow me (all 7 of you - there were 8 but I must have offended someone :p ).. I present a follow up to my last post...
It seems one of the main reason my wife starts going all 'anti-video game' on me is because she doesn't like being woken up by me ambling into bed at midnight and waking her up.  Now one of the last post's responders used the word 'ninja' in reference to ninja'ing your way into bed.  I used to be very adept at this - like a cat, a hidden stalker in the night... But I must have let it lapse.  
For experimentation sake I tried to re-discover my 'Ninja Skillz' the other night, after finishing playing at 11:45pm instead of the promised 11:15pm - I know - seems drastic,  my wife thinks half an hour late is equivalen to a week or something so...

I put my skills into action, I filled my glass of water with a silent trickle from the tap.  Then made sure to ONLY hit the side of the bowl when I did my final, silent 'Jimmy Riddle' of the night.  I took my jeans and stuff off at the bottom of the stairs and tip-toed up into bed, being silent with all the child gates, and eventually timing my movements to coincide with my wife's breathing.... 

Then slipped into bed!  And she didn't wake!

I have to say it was far more exciting than that stupid rafting game on Kinnect I played at my sisters house.  The controls were spot on - if I made a mistake it was MY mistake, a creaky stair?  Extra challenge, stair-gate closed?  Another obstacle...

It was actually more tense and exciting than playing Left 4 Dead on expert mode, you got a real sense of risk vs reward.  I don't know what you guys houses are like, or how much of a 'light sleeper' your partner is - you could always make her/him a coffee before they went to bed to increase the challenge?  Or lay some noisy things on the floor to avoid in the dark - my 3.5 year old daughter already does this for me : greatly increases the challenge.

The only downside is by the time I'm lying in bed I feel so wired, I can't get to sleep for about half an hour!  Still - all good fun, and it's like an extra 'free' game to round the night off.

Maybe if this takes off we could take it to the next level and start incorporating smoke-bombs and grappling hooks and stuff.  EXCELLENT!