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Games that shaped me to what I am: Part deux

This will be a double feature.

First great game I'll talk about is Super Punch-Out!!! Yeah, I'm exited.

Okay, I still can't defeat the Bull Rush with 100% success
Okay, I still can't defeat the Bull Rush with 100% success
I loved this game. But as a kid I hated confrontation (You would never tell) so I had to master each character so I wouldn't get hit. I mean master, as in find the exact counter spot needed to take them down. Fun fact, it takes less time to take down Piston Hurricane than to take down Gabby Jay. But I digress.

I mention this game as it is back in our field of vision since the latest punch-out just released (And I'm loving it). It's damn hard, and I'm enjoying this. But we are talking about the SNES version. Which is by far the best of the four (I played one arcade version of it, and that's all). Excellent graphics and a tough as hell final circuit, this game probably helped to shape many childhoods. Did I mention super uppercut? No. Oh well, not important.


Silly McCain.
Silly McCain.
Okay, technically I never grew up with this game. So what? This is a game (series) that turned me to the political junkie that I am. It's only been lately that I couldn't give a crap (Blame Far Cry 2 run). This game had everything, humour (High Schooler's Idea of what Europe is in political map format?! Awesome), intense turn based strategy (Damn you Colbert... look a-like) and easy to learn tough to master gameplay.

The Political Machine was a game that everyone could love, especially possibility for creating your own character. I made my own Osky in political format (If you are wondering who this Osky person is, don't bother asking). Because of it, I turned into the curmudgeony asshole that I am. I'm loving every second of it.

Anyone else remember Reboot?

I remember reboot, the first CG series a full year before Toy Story, the 4 season Canadian program based on the going ons inside your computer, you bet your ass I remember reboot. I remember waiting for the day to end so it could start, it was tradition, and I never broke it (And until it stopped showing on tv, that tradition was kept). But like Pixar, there are certain things you must go through again to understand every joke.

This series got dark fast, I mean it was the only children's series that let you see the execution of something close up (Bullet to the brain). Once I restarted watching it, I understood what was going on, and it was a complete turn around from what I remembered. The when I first started watching the show, I couldn't see certain scenes. Specifically the scene where Enzo lost his eye in a Mortal Kombat style finisher. It was only today that I watched it, astonishing.

The nostalgia I tell you, it hits you like a ton of bricks. God those were the days.


Have I ever mentioned my hatred towards HP?

Well here's an update; my HP laptop just broke in every single possible way imaginable. If you are imagining that the screen is disconnected, the keyboard disconnected, the lid broken, exposed wiring, and sensors that do not work, then you would be correct. God knows how the motherboard is doing (Most likely shit). Oh, did I mention that all of this happened at the exact same second? I don't need to say anything, this laptop is fucked, luckily there is a backup laptop that I only have access to for a few hours.

Did I also mention this laptop broke down more than I had to replace it more than my Xbox 360? So my plan is to send it back to HP, keeping the Hard Drive for myself telling them to go fuck themselves.

Lesson learned, HP should be metaphorically firebombed. Metaphorically of course after each employee leaves.

Games that shaped me to what I am: Part 1

No Caption Provided
If you haven't played the game, you wouldn't understand what everyone is going crazy about. If you have played it once or twice, you know exactly what this game does to you. I've played this game over 100 times, and have not yet mastered it. Some say it is the most difficult game ever released unto use pitiful creatures, other say it is the Ninja Gaiden series, but let's be honest, Ninja Gaiden isn't Roguelike-like and you can therefore master it much quicker.

This game did to me what waterboarding did to Christopher Hitchens. It made us into bigger assholes (Although it must have been though to make him a bigger dickhead than he already was, he must have played the NES version as a child). I have become obsessed to just get through it, once that's all I need, I just needed to get through the game's stages once.

Oh I wish it were that easy, if only. Capcom being the gigantic dicks of the gaming industry in their ultimate wisdom have forced us to go through the game twice, and in their infinite wisdom, they have forced us to pick up the worst weapon in the game and get through the game again. In a harder environment in which there are more enemies. Now luckily, I'm not an idiot, not anymore. The crappy weapon was a noob trap, to be taken only at the end of the game before the last boss. But being the trigger happy bastard I am, I forget the locations of all the chests I need, which also contain the damn crappy weapon I need to kill the boss with.

I love this game, I've gotten so good in it that precision jumping is not an issue anymore. Enemies aren't a problem, and after so many years of destroying my childhood, I've had an important realization. This game is important to me, it is one of the games out there that made me a gamer, and I'm grateful. I really am. It has also shaped my musical taste as it contains some of the greatest music in games to date. So what I'm trying to say is that if you haven't played this or the original, it may be far too late for you to understand, give it a go though.

One last thing, get the bow and arrow combo right away by going to the far left of the screen when you start and just jump+double jump in that direction so a chest will appear, you'll need it.

Time for (Wait for it) some OUTRAGE!!!!

First off, a vote to award Arnold Palmer (The great) a Congressional Gold Medal has been passed with a unanimous vote for it. Excellent, for the first time in a while, both sides have come to appreciate a great cause which is to appreciate golf as one group of people. Not a single person refused to vote against this. . . god dammit. Okay one person, but who's the asshole that voted no?!


Ugh, of course it was him. After all he was the same person who voted no to give Rosa Parks the same honour. Read about it here.
But that was the simple lead into what really matters. The user "HellBound" had pointed out one of his films, him being Kirby Dick. Outrage is his newest film and it has to do with hypocritical closeted politicians voting against their life. Anyways, it's gonna be great, I've always been a fan of Kirby Dick films.

Wait, you still don't know about what the movie's about? Well it's about gay politicians voting against gay rights. The obvious ones are there, and some ones who weren't on that list. Supposedly this list was compiled through the use of testimonies of those who had sex with these politicians. I can't wait. So to hold us back in anticipation, here's another great Roy Zimmerman song. Entitled, "Larry Craig is completely heterosexual". Also, the original version, "Ted Haggard is completely heterosexual"




Things I learned playing Deus Ex.

01) Outdoor shadows are awesome for sneaking
02) Contextual health is more awesome
03) Stat improvements are great
04) Flamethrowers and GEP guns are wasteful for the stealthy person
05) The crossbow is the second most useful weapon
06) The stealth pistol is the most valuable weapon you get
07) Lockpicks and Multitools are nice, but nothing beats the actual key/code/email and password
08) Stealth, health and environmentally effected modifications are more useful than any other mod
09) Every nook and cranny must be searched
10) Stock up on Candy bars/Soy Food/Booze early on, you'll never know when you need it
11) Throw away useless items like the crowbar, knife and binoculars, you'll never use them
12) Only use grenades in instances in which they have a profound use for the objective (i.e. Blowing shit up, not people)
13) Don't use the lockpick on that door with limited strength, see if you can break it with weapon you have, or some nearby TNT boxes. It's better to break a door, than open it.
14) Use every email you get, you never know when there is some important information in those open conversations
15) Read books and newspapers, not that it is useful, but it can give some backstory and understanding to the current situation
16) Talk to almost everyone. Future beneficial bonuses may come out of it
17) Stick to a baton/crowbar at the start, you can take down enemies without killing them wasting ammo, you will need ammo later
18) Aim dammit, don't just chew up entire clips because you don't want to wait
19) The non-lethal run can be accomplished with guns, just do little damage to the humans to the point where they run away from you in terror
20) Realistic is not kidding around, they will aim for your head
21) Throw away guns you don't use. If you don't use the assault gun, throw it away, you need the inventory space
22) Carry one type of alcohol
23) Multiple saves, I cannot stress this enough, for each different area you go to, you must create new save slots. You'll see why
24) Quick saves are for in motion purposes, don't use rely only on them
25) Deus Ex is the greatest game ever made


This and that.

Adoption agency is quoted to have said this about the critics of gay parenting. I don't care about the critics, I care about the agency.

"People who have concerns about the adoption of children by gay couples are 'retarded homophobes'"

Read more about it here. Plus did anyone notice the link I provided (Specifically the address) had the term "fabulous" at the end?

Also, Teabag 2.0. Or as I would like to call it, Teabagging 2, Electric Whargarbloo.


New Week Round-up!!!

It has been a few days since Obama has decided to cut Abstinence only education programs in his new budget, and let's be honest, it is about time. It's a failure, such a massive failure. Bush tried to spread this crap when he conditionally aided Africa (Condition being you teach abstinence only education, that sure helped) and promptly fucked over a lot of people (Also, stop sending money to Africa, start sending something of actual permanent value). Because Obama doesn't have unlimited power (I'm looking at you, delusional liberals), people should write to their congressman to tell them to support this, or whatever the process is.

Next in the new week round-up. Cheney prefers to have Rush be the leader than Powell. First off, I love Colin Powell, you can't disrespect him as he is extremely respectful to others. He is (And soon to be was) the last of the moderates in the republicans party before the split. This is not good for the republican party as they now represent less than 30% of the country. There is a large chance of a party split in which we will get the Whigs back in action, and to be honest, we can't wait. If you have played Deus Ex before, you know the chill you felt down your spine with the simple use of the word "Overhaul". Well now it is a well deserved term that directly applies now.

Finally, because I enjoy humourous news, almost every right-wing pundit is imploding in itself about the Dijon Mustard in the burger. Thinking they are so farking clever by playing the "Grey Poupon" ad over and over. How dare he eat a burger at a place in which they... customize your burger with whatever. . . you. . . want. This is funny news indeed.

Still waiting to waterboard Sean Hannity.

EDIT!!! How dare I forget.



Happy 19th birthday me.

Hi everybody, I'm now 19, shockingly enough only 19. What am I doing today? Well nothing, I might go out and buy a copy of overlord (Always wanted a copy of that game) and have fun for a week or two. I might make milkshakes today, and will virtually share it with the people at Giantbomb, and make pasta tonight with spinach and chicken in it (Possibly Broccoli and Sun-dried tomatoes, thank America's Test Kitchen for the recipe) .

In the mean time, I guess I'll keep doing what I've been doing, which is annoy the hell out of everyone here. Here's an actual full year of greatness here at Giantbomb (Yeah, would be a full year if I actually joined May 1st, should have thought that through more clearly).

The best damn cookbook I have.
The best damn cookbook I have.