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Thank you BoG

Damn you and that icon of yours always picking on me, mocking me, I was forced to pick up that game. Which shockingly enough, wasn't that bad, and pretty cheap as well. Snatcher really is a great game, and I sincerely thank you for implicitly leaving subliminal messages of the game so I could have finally gone off to look for it.

What a woody sort of phrase, "gone off". Anyways, that's all.


Nice there are still people to justify hate crime+Gaming update

Ah Virginia Foxx of North Carolina's 5th district congresswoman (Republican of course). No, I was not referring to Fred Phelps, but I might as well have been (Actually her statement worse because it is neglegence and its worst). It seems as if the admittance from the people is not enough, no she claims it was a hoax.

Okay, obviously I should clarify. She was talking about Matthew Sheppard, the young gay teen who was murdered about a decade ago by some thugs who stuck him on a fence dying, proceeded to pistol whip him a good 50 times, then left him in the Cross position. He died days after, and the murderers had admitted they killed him just because he was gay. Apparently that was not enough, Madame Foxx is actually under the impression that he wasn't killed for that reason and instead was killed because it was the people were in the commitment of a robbery.

Yeah, I can't make this shiat up. Video below.


An update so far, I'm still reading Grand Theft Childhood, I have started replaying Cave Story, started Spelunky, and have attempted La Mulana but can't quite grasp the controls. I'm currently in the middle of playing X-Com: UFO Defense, and am seriously sucking at it. Damn that game is hard as hell. Maybe a little after all of this I might play Snatcher for the first time having secured myself the propper equipment needed (Just need the game, which might be difficult).

-Xbox360 Update: Have only played bits and bits lately, although I did play a lot of Survival and have gotten two Gold Medals. I'm quite proud of that. I've also tried the Red Faction demo and have been completely pleased by it. The engine used in the game is astonishing, absolutely unbelievable, and this was just the demo. I'm considering a buy for this one.

Not much of an update, especially considering this is my first update. But it has been a bit slow lately, and I've been focussed on preparation for a presentation for tomorrow.

Teacher forced to resign for ideological reasons.

Why yes I have joined the feminist movement.

I'll clarify, this teacher was fired because she was going to let her students read and act out the Laramie Project, with the support of the parents students and principle. There is another thing to note, this was in Oklahoma, so she had the green light for this. The superintendent decided this was inappropriate.

Video deleted.

Thoughts on Beneath a Steel Sky, and other.

I hate it so much, not like that though. Beneath a Steel Sky is possibly one of the greatest point-and-click adventure games ever released (I have a top 10 for that) but I'm talking about the music. Since I've finished this excellent game, the music has been stuck in my head. It's greatness, and I've had a realization that all of these adventure games have the greatest music in the industry. Disprove it, Grim Fandango, Monkey Island, Day of the Tentacle and Full Throttle are all great games with excellent musical pieces. I'm pissed off because you can't just play these games once, it will always be there mocking you, the music will always be there.

Anyways, I present you my thoughts on the tea party.

No Caption Provided


A little late to the party (Movie Critique)

In my drowsy state, I had just seen I Am Legend, and it is safe to say that they don't get it. They being the producers of said movie. If you knew the actual story of I Am Legend, you would know it was about a scientist alone in the world and his attempt to stay sane as he researches this new species that has replaced human kind. Similar to the film, except this Neville is some sort of super soldier, and hardly a social psychotic maniac. In the story, the purpose of the title is revealed when it turns out that these vampiric creatures are essentially the next step in the evolutionary process and Neville was a mass murderer. The book attempts to go through the mind of this man who has just learned he was a serial killer unlike the movie where they show how selfish humanity was (And racist).

They go the route of any Hollywood cliché and go the route of "This man is a hero, see how he sacrifices himself for the good of others" instead of "This man is a psycho and he is unable to cope with the changing times". Quite the good sign for our species where we are unable to accept our own selfish behaviors.

As a film:            ***
As a message: **


With friends, you will be thrown under the bus

I'm currently watching "The Trials with Ted Haggard" and quite a few things are coming to mind. One being how desperate the Evangelical community to maintain a status quo, and how interesting Ted Haggard is.

It is quite depressing to see how quickly his congregation turned against him, a man who even I think is such a nice person who's entire life was based around making other people happy. At least a dozen years he had spent with one congregation, making people happy and proud to be religious. All in one second it was gone, and his life was ruined; only because he might be a bi-sexual. He screwed up at some point, and it had spilled out because some people wanted to have 15 minutes of fame. The Evangelical pastors who have once worked under him, loved him, listened to him, had thrown him under the bus and made sure he stayed there with all the other pastors they threw under there. I bet even you haven't heard of those other pastors, well the problem is that they were truly evil human beings and I won't give them more fame. Anyways, back to the congregation. At one point, they had gone through all the news clips revolving around one statement from Haggard in which he had said he had become "Completely Heterosexual", but the problem is that Haggard never said that. It was a former member of his congregation. See how they ridicule him, see how they make sure he's down and cannot come back to some standard.

About Haggard, you must understand. He's not a rich man, he never made much money with his church, and right now he's living a shit life. I disagree with him, but I like the person for his attitude and his way of being. It is quite a sad story actually, and the fact that there are still asshole out there trying to bring him down. The media gave him total shit, and made a ton of "news stories" up, which is a great allegory for the way the American media runs its business. There's also another story, with another asshole attention whore; I won't give him more attention.

But it is quite sad how the Evangelical community is very reliant on a specific set of traits and beliefs. How they can take a happy man, who just wanted to help others, and throw him down in the mud repeatedly and eventually tear him to pieces.


Top 25 best conservative movies, god damn right Red Dawn's there.

I generally read NRO, you know, so I can stay on the pulse of the good ole conservative ideology (Actually I go to Townhall for that). I don't joke when I say this, but for this article, I had to find this on Fark and I just flipped. They aren't joking, they literally made a list of 25 best "conservative" movies.
Basically, they added movies like "The Incredibles", "Forrest Gump", "Juno", and "Team America". Of course, none of the movies are really pushing any ideology, except for Red Dawn (Of course it had to be on the list, I wouldn't have it any other way; which made me use REAGANESQUE in the title because they just had to mention Reagan. They also wouldn't have it any other way)
Again, this isn't a commentary on why they are stupid, they aren't. But they are doing what we all learned in High School. You can make a case for anything if you provide back up for said argument. The problem being that it doesn't work for this particular case. I mean, really. The Incredibles is a kid movie, which is satirical of 1950's culture, and it makes the case against discrimination; but it has nothing to do with conservatism. Or let's take The Dark Knight, which is a superhero movie and has nothing to do with politics.
But let's take another one they chose, Red Dawn... okay I'll give that one to them. It is a fuckin' great movie which serves as amazing propaganda for America.


The Screwattack love must be addressed *Show this to others*

Something has happened to Screwattack, it is no longer its original format. In fact, it has been this way for a while, and it is sad because it truly is a great website; but I have no interest anymore. There were two things about Screwattack that made it special in comparison to other gaming websites. One of which actually drives me to Giantbomb, and had it not had this; neither would be as great.

I was a part of Screwattack when it had started, when the whole thing began. I didn't create a user as I had a small bit of social dyslexia at the time, but I ha advertised Screwattack to all I knew. I knew a lot of people even with social problems. They told their friends, and they told their friends, to which they told me because they didn't know who started the chain. What made it great was the size. It wasn't that big, they were struggling owners at the time (I guess, I'm just making their story more badass), and they had a perfect balance. Handsome Tom was a cool guy and is a cool guy, and generally doesn't show too much enthusiasm in his surroundings, but we could feel it. Then there was Stuttering Craig, who had all the enthusiasm and loved to show it. But he was also a businessman, which led to the downfall of Screwattack. Then there was Perfect Liz, which carried both great characteristics of this duo. Understand that this is before the interns came in. Those three were in perfect unison, and where one would stumble, the other pick up. It was cooperative, and we loved it. It was amazing, I never missed a podcast. NEVER. It was amazing, but like all businesses, they grow. Then come in the interns. The site was still great as it still carried a great gravitas with it, as if the site were run by your Average Joe. But there was something missing, which would eventually be glaring as the site grew. The homeliness was entirely gone, and it feels as if these normal people were just staff. That is the first great thing about it.
But the second is the final nail in the coffin if you will. It had balance, we had someone to stop the other from doing something stupid or to convince the other to do something stupid. They were excited, but never too excited, and they were perfect. What made Screwattack good was the homeliness, but what made it great was the the balance. Which is where we have to go to into something hard to talk about. When Handsome Tom and Perfect Liz (As well as New School Mickey/8-Bit Mickey) had left, destroying the balance and making an antagonist out of Stuttering Craig, but I won't go that far into it. Without Tom, we didn't have a Perfect Satisfaction, and Screwattack was a little too peppy for my tastes.
Anyways, just wanted to address that. Also that the balance had been recreated when Handsome Tom and Perfect Liz had created their own website, which restores the perfect balance with some other Ex-Screwattack employees and some new faces. I suggest you take a look, link at the bottom. It's a great site, and I suggest everyone to go over there and give it the same chance you gave Screwattack.