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Chrono Trigger

When the school semester started, a friend had just bought Chrono Trigger for his Super Nintendo (about $60 for the game I think) because I had mentioned that I wanted to play the game for some time now. Well, it seems that he got the game for me to play since he doesn't play much of his SNES. Before I go on, this all takes place at my favorite hangout on campus. So, I started to play it and had only clocked in about an hour. Then, school work got in the way, and I barely had enough time to play it. It wasn't until Thursday night of this week that I had picked up the game and just played it. As of now, I have clocked in 6 hours and 22 minutes, and I've been having one of the best RPG gaming experiences with this game. Wow. Now I wish the Sega Genesis had something like this. LOLĀ  In case you're wondering how far I am, I have just acquired the pieces to a broken Masamune, and I'm in the process of trying to find a Dreamstone so that it can be repaired. So, I look forward to continue playing this game. I just thought I'd share it with all of you. =D


That's right. November 14 marked my second year on Deviantart. If you're interested in seeing the drawings that I received, be sure to click on the link that will take you to the journal.

Two-Year Anniversary Journal

Until next time! 8)