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Blog! It's what's for supper!

-The Book of Eli was a fantastic movie.  I just watched it today, finally, and I'm incredibly pleased by it.  The cinematography was excellent, and it had a surprising amount of inspiration to its story, especially in its final moments.  The only part I didn't like was the George and Martha sequence, which felt a bit too zany and not creepy enough.  It really could have been inserted much earlier into the film in a non-related sequence as a world-building element, and I would have been fine with it.  As it stands, it was a strange break and was the only jarring moment in an otherwise spectacular bit of film-making.  
-Enchanted Arms is cliched in just about every possible way it can be for a JRPG, and yet I'm still incredibly hooked on it.  I'm trying to finish it as quickly as possible in order to get to my achievement score goal of around 16500 by the end of the month, but I suspect I'll be returning to it at some point in the next few years.  The characters, story, and settings are awful, but the core mechanics and the Pokemon-like "catch them all" golems are a riot.  It's weird to say, but I'm enjoying the romp much more than I enjoyed Final Fantasy XIII.  That's not to say it's the better game, but the mechanics are definitely a hell of a lot more fun and I'm finding myself more drawn into the gaming aspect as opposed to the "let's just get to the next checkpoint" feel of FFXIII. 
-Monkey Island 2 is still illogical and the worst in the series, but regardless of that, it's a hell of a fun game and its sense of humor holds up remarkably well.  Give it a go if you're looking for an adventure game to play. 
-Look for a blog on The Boondocks soon.  I have a real love/hate relationship with this show.  I think it's intelligent, witty at times, and has some of the best animation of any TV show since the 90's, but I do take affront at some of the show's stereotyped whites as being people who don't give a shit about the condition of blacks or just acting like ignorant dipwads.  Give some of us credit, Boondocks, and you'll go a long ways towards making me a more permanent fan.  Also, look for more thoughts on The Big Bang Theory, which I'm just starting to get into. 
-Fuck Aegis Wing.  I downloaded it for achievements, and can't even make it past the first level.  That shit got deleted after ten minutes.  I hate side-scrolling shooters.