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Forza 3 Car Wishlist

Here, in no particular order, are the cars I want to see featured in Forza 3's future DLC.  Developers, get on this shit pronto, or I'll level Toronto... with mind bullets!  That's telekinesis, Giant Bomb! 
1.  Yugo 
 Also known as the Zastava Koral by the wine-sniffing fancy-pants bunch, the Yugo is a timeless classic.  I'm ready for it to make a comeback in a big way.  My guess as to why it's not already in?  This car would smoke Ferraris, make Lamborghinis into sniveling bitches, and use muscle cars to wipe its ass. 
2.  Dodge Omni 
 Ranked #1 in Sparky_Buzzsaw's annual "Best Cars in the Universe" magazine for 83 straight years, the Dodge Omni is also numero uno in my heart.  And in my pants. 
3.  1987 Chevy Nova 
I'm not pussyfooting around here with the pansy-ass muscle cars.  I'm going straight for the oil-filled jugular here with the rip-roaring badass beast, the 1987 compact Chevrolet Nova.  Yeah, suck it, muscly muscle car.  Your younger brethren beat your asses, and now, I want 'em on display for the video game world to see.  Hail Caesar! 
4.  AMC Pacer 
...but only if it plays Bohemian Rhapsody non-stop and offers up delicious red rope licorice. 
5.  Triumph Stag 
Look, the name should say it all.  Any car named "Stag" automatically tea-bags the competition. 
6.  VW Thing 
At your next party, you could offer up drinks, some thumping music, wicked flare-ups of herpes, and some awkward conga lines.... or you could rev up your old VW Thing and watch the panties drop to the floor faster than Lindsay Lohan snorting a line of coke.  Putting this car into the Forza 3 stable would create cosmic eruptions of sexy-happy-fun-time.  Do it.  Do it now. 
7.  Ford Pinto 
If this car was a pin-up girl, there would be no paper left in the world, and Jurgen's would suddenly be the richest company in the universe.  Forza 3's awesome physics could probably even simulate the explosiveness... uh, of the car's awesome power, that is. 
8.  AMC Gremlin 
AMC pulls double duty on this list with one of the most spectacular cars ever created.  Just don't get it wet, or feed it.  I warned you. 
9.  Fergie 
What you gonna do with all that junk, all that junk inside your trunk?  
10.  A freakin' tank 
Because every racing game needs explosions.  And ridiculously big guns.  And explosions!  Fire!  Fire!  KABLAM!  KERPLOOOIE! 
Now you share - what cars do you want in Forza, serious or not-so-serious? 
Thank you.  You may go.