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Gaming Update 05/28/2009 - Xbox Customer Support and LOTRO

I'm going to stop posting these on the forums, unless I have an update that really addresses something I think people will want to hear about.  If anybody does read this, comments are appreciated just to let me know it posted or if there are any thoughts.

  • After a week and a half without my Xbox 360, it arrived via UPS yesterday.  Microsoft must have replaced the entire console, as there were a couple of minor dings and scratches now missing.  That's actually kind of cool.  Their support was fast, pleasant, and other than some English issues with the outsourced employees, I think it went just fine.  Although the fan problem was regrettable, at least MS did their best to replace the system quickly and with ease.
  • I've been playing a ton of Lord of the Rings Online this week.  I've been a player off and on for a little over a year.  I'm surprised I'm not thoroughly addicted to it, as it's the sort of game I could easily sink hundreds of hours into without coming up for air.  I enjoy it more than my brief venture with World of Warcraft simply because the text and general interface is easier to see.  I'm legally blind with a small amount of color blindness, so having a pleasing, easy interface is a must in any game.  Plus, I love Tolkien and the lore, and the developers obviously do too.  Now if only I can get a Tad Williams or Robert Jordan MMORPG, I'd really be set!
  • I just got a copy of inFamoous in the mail, so I'm looking forward to playing that tonight or over the weekend.  Not much else to say, really.  I enjoy open-world games, and Crackdown was a riot, so here's hoping I enjoy this one.
  • Out of shame for the direction the Leisure Suit Larry games have taken, I've changed my avatar from Larry Laffer to Roger Wilco.  I'm always going to enjoy the LSL up to Love for Sail, but damn it, I just can't support the two recent abortions.  Folks like Al Lowe, Ken and Roberta Williams, and the Two Guys from Andromeda were sort of geeky childhood heroes, and it's a shame to see Lowe's baby be treated like shit.