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General update, questions, and the like.

Hey gang!  Been really kind of busy here.  I had to move back into my parents' house due to my job situation, and so have been sporadic in keeping up with things.  My move is now over, so you should see some sort of return of the Sparky's Update - but it won't be under that name, and it'll be in a different format.  I really haven't decided what form it will take yet, so if you have anything you particularly liked or disliked about the old format, please feel free to share.  Trust me, you're not going to hurt this rhino's feelings. 
I have several generic and dumb questions for the hive mind. 
1)  Is it possible to hook up the PS3 to a wireless network, and if so, what will I need?  I've obviously hooked up through a wired connection before, but I've yet to try it wirelessly.  Situation demands that any Internet access I have is through wireless. 
2) Got any great recommendations for DS games?  I asked specifically for lesser-known RPG's in my status update, and I'm still leaning in that direction.  But if you've been playing anything fantastic (and dankempster, I promise I will pick up Chinatown Wars soon), please feel free to throw them down too. 
3)  if you own multiple consoles hooked up to one TV, how do YOU keep your wires from getting too cluttered?  I unhooked my consoles last week, and it was a horrific mess.  Just looking for some general advice. 
All right folks, that's it for now.  Keep it gangsta, keep it hoodsta, until the next episode.  Hope you are all doing great and having fun!


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Edited By sparky_buzzsaw

Hey gang!  Been really kind of busy here.  I had to move back into my parents' house due to my job situation, and so have been sporadic in keeping up with things.  My move is now over, so you should see some sort of return of the Sparky's Update - but it won't be under that name, and it'll be in a different format.  I really haven't decided what form it will take yet, so if you have anything you particularly liked or disliked about the old format, please feel free to share.  Trust me, you're not going to hurt this rhino's feelings. 
I have several generic and dumb questions for the hive mind. 
1)  Is it possible to hook up the PS3 to a wireless network, and if so, what will I need?  I've obviously hooked up through a wired connection before, but I've yet to try it wirelessly.  Situation demands that any Internet access I have is through wireless. 
2) Got any great recommendations for DS games?  I asked specifically for lesser-known RPG's in my status update, and I'm still leaning in that direction.  But if you've been playing anything fantastic (and dankempster, I promise I will pick up Chinatown Wars soon), please feel free to throw them down too. 
3)  if you own multiple consoles hooked up to one TV, how do YOU keep your wires from getting too cluttered?  I unhooked my consoles last week, and it was a horrific mess.  Just looking for some general advice. 
All right folks, that's it for now.  Keep it gangsta, keep it hoodsta, until the next episode.  Hope you are all doing great and having fun!
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My PS3 is "hooked up" wirelessly - have the console in the living room and the router in my office (no other choice, really). PS3's great in that it doesn't take an extra step to setup like the 360, so just enter your WEP key and whatnot and you're good to go.  
I'll second the strong recommendation for Chinatown Wars if that will help you get it faster. :-P Otherwise, Big Bang Mini is really cool - side-scrolling shooter type, with some of the best graphics I've seen on a DS game, awesome music and the like. *looks at DS shelf* Hmm... Avalon Code isn't bad - it's an RPG that has this big system where you catalog everything in existence because the current world's about to end, and the data that you collect on everything will help those who form the new world recreate it. I never finished it, cause I had other games to play at the time, but it was ok. If you've somehow not played Trace Memory, that's a great one, if you can find it anymore, and Henry Hatsworth is a great combination of puzzle game and platformer, should those two genres interest you at all. 
About the wires - these things are your friend. 
Oh, and about White Knight - the whole "White Knight" mechanic is like Power Rangers (for the lack of a better comparison) - the story's main character is like the Power Ranger, and the "White Knight" is like his zord - this huge fucking thing that he "transforms" into. Story is fairly cliched so far - princess has been captured, two rival colonies are about to go to war and there's tons of scheming and backstabbing going on by people who you think are the good guys. Then there's this whole love triangle thing and, yeah, you can basically predict what's gonna happen pretty early on. BUT, for all of that, the game's definitely not horrible - you just can't go in expecting greatness along the lines of FF or Xenosaga or something or you'll be disappointed. Oh, and the co-op missions are pretty lame.

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Edited By sparky_buzzsaw
I can't believe I didn't think of using those little zip things.  That's utterly brilliant.  I'd been using electrical tape, but it has a surprising tendency to come unwrapped.  I think that's due to the extreme changes in weather and temperature we have here, even indoors. 
I will definitely be checking out the games you've recommended too.  Avalon Code was one I'd been anticipating before its release, and I think I just simply forgot about it.  Darn.  In any case, thanks again.
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Edited By RenegadeSaint
  1. I believe all PS3 models have Wi-Fi built in so you shouldn't have any trouble getting online.
  2. Check out Elite Beat Agents (rhythm game), Super Robot Taisen OG Saga (RPG), Luminous Arc (RPG), and Luminous Arc 2 (RPG).
  3. I just run the wires behind my entertainment center and don't worry too much about the mess.  You can grab some twist ties if you want an easy fix.
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OMG, he's right - Elite Beat Agents is a must have too!

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Edited By danielkempster

Wow, a mention! I'm honoured :) 
I feel terrible for not having commented on this blog, but I'm at a loss for anything serious to contribute. It's been almost a year since I last owned a DS, and all the RPGs I could recommend (Dragon Quest IV and V, Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy III and IV) are all pretty high-profile titles that you've no doubt already played. Although, I'll always take the opportunity to promote Chinatown Wars a little more, so... WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?! BUY IT!!!! Also, your wire problem reminded me of a joke on Russell Howard's first DVD, which I was going to add to this post, but it's not on YouTube. Fails all round on my part, it seems. 
Anyway, I look forward to the return of Sparky's Update, whether it makes its comeback under that moniker or not. I may not always comment, but you can be sure that I always read :)

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Edited By sparky_buzzsaw
Thanks!  I always appreciate knowing that someone out there is reading - even if it's Big Brother style.  Hah!  Believe it or not, I have yet to try the Dragon Quest games on the DS, mostly because they're so darned hard to find.  Hand of the Heavenly Bride tends to go for some outrageous prices on Amazon, and I don't live anywhere close to a game shop of any sort.  Sooner or later, they will be mine - oh yes, they will be mine!