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Top franchises I want to see Lego-fied

After playing LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga (which, if you're still out there, GamerGeek360, has some awesomely easy achievements), I've decided to chime in on my top franchises that deserve a LEGO video game.  Yes, I know, property rights will make practically all of these impossible - this blog is merely for fun and speculation.  
EDIT - Thanks to bigandtasty for pointing out that the developer was Traveller's Tales, not Telltale.  Again, my talent for confusing simple names shows itself.  My name's Forrest Gump.  Most people around here call me Forrest Gump.
1.  Pirates of the Caribbean 
It's an action-comedy-drama with a ton of heart, and it should translate well into the LEGO world Traveller's Tales has created.  The only problem might be the lack of characters to draw from for bonuses, but maybe Traveller's Tales could draw upon real-life pirates and people of the pirate era.   
2.  King Arthur 
Continuing with that idea from Lego PotC, let's assume that Traveller's Tales doesn't strictly draw characters from Arthurian legend (though there are many), but also upon Anglo-Saxon, French, and Germanic mythology and legend.  There's a ton of possibilities there story-wise, and who knows?  Maybe we'd even get a Holy Hand Grenade. 
3.  Lord of the Rings 
Now here are some works with plenty of characters, battles, and areas to use.  Of all the ideas I've hemmed and hawed about on this list, this one is probably my favorite, simply because of the potential for silliness and great gameplay.  Throw in the incredible score from the movies, and you'd be set. 
4.  Film Classics 
This one is wide open to interpretation, but I'd love to see a Lego game built around one-off films and classic cinema moments.  Utilizing a movie cinema as the gaming hub, you could jump into any movie poster and reenact that movie with Legos.  Action classics off the top of my head I'd love to see make the cut - King Kong, Magnificent Seven, Saving Private Ryan, and Rambo.  Or you could go non-traditional movies, like sports (Rocky), romance (Casablanca), noir (Maltese Falcon), sci-fi (Blade Runner), or comedy (Young Frankenstein?).  It would make for a nice break from the normal Traveller's Tales Lego set-up to do less-action oriented games, but some deep care and thought would have to be made as to how to do it right without losing both younger and older audiences.
5.  The Simpsons 
This makes a lot of sense, but I'm not too sure as to how a comedy-oriented franchise would translate into the already goofy Lego world.  Done right though, this could be a hilarious way to recreate classic episodes of the Simpsons, or to create an entirely new Simpsons game similar to the last excellent Simpsons action game.   
6.  Ghostbusters 
It would be hard to create a typical Traveller's Tales game around the Ghostbusters franchise, but if they ditched all the notions of their prior games, I think they could come up with some ingenius ways to translate the films to games.  It would have to be less action heavy, and interaction between the team would be have to be done without speech, meaning the movie's biggest draw (the dialogue) is out the window.  Still... it has possibilities.