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E3 2012

My 10 favorites of E3 2012

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  • Saw an extended demo of this game after writing up my core list, and wow does it look amazing. Almost like a slick mixture of Bioshock and Thief, the game looks to combine melee combat, environmental traversal, and character customization into a crazy RPG/action/stealth/platformer gumbo. The most impressive thing about it is that all of its various parts look amazing both together and separately.

  • A new IP made all the more exciting by just how many goddamn sequels it's surrounded by. The hacking gameplay looks completely unique (okay, Syndicate did something similar, but nobody bought that so as far as the general public is concerned...) and the story has the potential to be great.

  • Heavy Rain was pretty awesome, so I was excited to see Quantic Dream's next project already. But man, they really blew me away with the reveal of Beyond. The graphics are so realistic and the premise so intriguing that I'm already salivating at the idea of playing the final thing

  • Six months ago I would've sooner eaten my own fecal matter than play another Assassins Creed game. Okay, that's a bit harsh... And disturbing. But the point is, Ubisoft was really driving that series into the ground. Now AC 3 comes along and introduces a totally new environment teeming with wildlife, new characters, tons of side quests, and freaking ship combat! Are you listening, major publishers? This is how you get people hyped for a sequel.

  • Man, Ubisoft's really dominating this list, huh? Well, it's all for good reason. Far Cry 3, like the rest of the Ubisoft lineup, sports gorgeous graphics, intense-looking gameplay, and, most important of all, an intriguing and potentially subversive idea at its heart. The addition of 4-player co-op doesn't hurt things, either. Oh, and boobs. Shiny, HD boobs.

  • Gritty and violent in a way that you just don't see enough of, The Last of Us should play just as great as it looks if the superb Uncharted games that bolster the developer's resumes are any indication. From the looks of things, this isn't your typical "gritty" video game. The Last of Us looks fucked in a wonderful way, and I can't wait to see what the guys at Naughty Dog can do with the M rating.

  • Coincidentally, I picked up Halo 3 on a whim the other day and threw down in a few multiplayer matches. And guess what? That game is still awesome, better than most of the flashy shooters that have been dominating the market lately. With better graphics, new weapons, and new enemies, Halo 4 could be just what the franchise needs to dominate the Xbox Live activity charts (and my heart) once again.

  • This is what, the sixth game starring Kratos? The seventh, if you count that weird cell phone game that came out like seven years ago. The character is getting a little stale by now, but the tried-and-true gameplay and gore are not. What Sony showed off at their press conference looked for all the world like another great action ride.

  • All I've seen out of this game at E3 so far is a short gameplay trailer. I've slotted it at number eight for now, but that position could very well rise if I get to see a stage demo or anything of the sort. This XCOM reboot is one of my most anticipated games of the year, and I'm sure the guys at Firaxis are going to deliver a killer product come October. It's just a shame that the game didn't have a larger presence at E3 (so far.)

  • An original RPG based on South Park, developed by underdog RPG champs Obsidian, and written by series creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone? Sign me up! The graphics beat Paper Mario at its own game, and the potential for hilarity are almost unlimited thanks to the medium's flexibility. Consider me thoroughly excited.