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#1  Edited By spiralsin

@msavo said:

I'm glad I stuck to my original plan, get the GOTY edition next year. It was tempting though, some Black Friday deals had Skyrim for $40.

I'm with you. I decided to do the same thing since before Skyrim launched. Bethesda is notorious for two things: Their buggy game launches and their inevitable (and cheaper) GOTY editions with all add-ons included. Just look at Morrowind, Oblivion, and Fallout 3. The track record speaks for itself.

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#2  Edited By spiralsin

I remember the 12 hours of Oblivion by Greg K. back in the day. This is going to be good times.

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#3  Edited By spiralsin

Don't know why anyone still takes their business to GameStop, honestly. They have to be one of the most openly shady businesses out there. Opening games and selling as new is old hat to them. They've tried to pull this on me several times until I just stopped going there altogether. The final straw was them denying me a preorder bonus because they "ran out" even though I PREORDERED. Likely,  what they meant to say is they gave most of the preorder codes away to employees and friends. 
The other thing I hated was being practically bullied into buying used games whenever I set foot in there. I know this is some people's thing, but I personally don't buy second hand games unless it's really rare or no longer available. Other than that, I always prefer to buy new so I can support the developer and not give GameStop total profit.

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#4  Edited By spiralsin

Thanks for the great article, Patrick. It was interesting to read about your perspective. I definitely applaud a unique game like this, but the tedious block puzzles just went on too long for my liking. I suppose I was more interested in the storyline which is why I played on Easy as well.
I truly wish it was an RPG or Adventure game with more character interaction instead. The characters and the subject matter were the most engaging part for me after all. Anyway, I struggled through the puzzles and answered the questions honestly as I could. I pretty much got the result I expected.  
While it's not for everyone, I agree the game should be experienced at least once at some point. It was a nice distraction in this age of FPS oversaturation.

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#5  Edited By spiralsin

I'll also endorse the Infiltrator. I played one in my most recent playthrough of ME1 and ME2. Very versatile class. Nice damage, tech powers, and survivability if played right.

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#6  Edited By spiralsin
@Chaser324 said:

Unfortunately, since you can't change your class when you carry over your Shepherd (what the hell is up with that), you really need to make sure whatever you pick in the first game is what you want to play as in the second game as well.

That's strange. Pretty sure I had an option to change my class when I imported my characters. I think the only things you can't change are Name, Military profile, Psych profile, and decisons in ME1.
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#7  Edited By spiralsin

Sigh of relief.  The original script sounded so unlike Uncharted, it was bound to alienate fans everywhere. Why does Hollywood have to screw with a good thing?  While I enjoy Mark Wahlberg as an actor, he is NOT Nathan Drake. I also support Nathan Fillion for the role. I recently watched the Firefly series  and Serenity again. I thought the Mal Reynolds character had many similarities to Nathan Drake. Fillion even resembles Drake, in my opinion. He'd be a natural fit as far as I'm concerned.

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#8  Edited By spiralsin
@emem said:

@teh_destroyer: @DrRocktapus: Hm it's really weird that you guys are having problems. What's your hardware setup and OS (I use Windows 7 Ultimate + SP1 64bit)?

Have you tried installing all of your latest drivers, including chipset drivers?

I agree it could be a driver thing or maybe some other background application conflicting with the game/Steam? It's always a guessing game with PC's since no two are completely alike. 
Hope you all figure it out and get to experience the game properly. Longest Journey is one of the last great "point & click" adventures, IMO.
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#9  Edited By spiralsin

Another example of a greedy publisher bullying a humble little developer. I hope CD Projekt remains unscathed by this. They're one of the few developers that still go the extra mile for their fanbase.

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#10  Edited By spiralsin

I haven't had an opportunity to read the article yet, but I'll leave my two cents. 
While I'm not opposed to Skyrim leading on consoles (I own a 360, PS3, and a PC so I'm not biased), I just hope the PC version doesn't "feel" like a console port in the end. I hope Bethesda takes the time to develop a "PC-centric" interface and options for tweaking graphical features, controls, key mapping, etc.  The "more accessible" statement worries me a little. Another high profile RPG (Dragon Age 2) claimed to be more accessible as well. This turned out to mean the gameplay and environments were oversimplifed and repetitive. As I understand it,  this wasn't received particularly well by the PC or console communities. Let's hope Skyrim avoids that same mistake.