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#1  Edited By Stephen_Von_Cloud
@ArbitraryWater said:
Ok, reading that, as well as some calming down, have made me decide that this is not a vast conspiracy to screw with us all.
 As long as they have campaign and versus for every single scenario at launch, I will be content with paying $60. But know what would be badass? If they also included the campaigns (and maybe the characters) from the original L4D with all the enhancements; Rock Band 2 style. At that point I would pay in blood. "
That'd be a damn good package.  And I think Valve might be crazy enough to completely do that.  I mean they put so much content on Orange Box.
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#2  Edited By Stephen_Von_Cloud
@Mordukai said:
" Alan Wake does not look as varied as Heavy Rain. From the demo they showed it looks like a mystery horror shooter.  "
Way to bring it back on track

Anyways, this thread is nuts.
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#3  Edited By Stephen_Von_Cloud
@jakob187 said:
" @Stephen_Von_Cloud: All of the reasons that you listed off were in Perfect Dark Zero for the most part.  We all know how THAT ended up...

I understand that people are fans of GoldenEye and Perfect Dark.  However, they are fans for the wrong reasons.  They are latching onto a bunch of fond memories, not a good game.  I have plenty of fond memories with GoldenEye and the at-the-time awesome multiplayer.  Unfortunately, the game isn't good.  Now, if Rare is going back and reworking all the stuff, pulling the auto-aim out of the games, making it look better, and all around just updating the SHIT out of it, then I'll be more than willing to give it a shot.  However, if they are just leaving it the same bland color palettes with bad graphics slightly updated so they don't suck shit in 1080p...then it's not worth anything.  People will get their hands on it, feel some fond memories, and then realize quickly "wait, this game isn't that great".

Then again, while everyone was playing Perfect Dark, I was busy playing PC multiplayer and getting a vastly superior experience.  =  /
1) Perfect Dark on N64 played better than Perfect Dark Zero, despite its technical limitations.  That game was terrible, that's an exception to my rule.  It's obviously assuming the games are the same quality.  I wouldn't have played that Castlevania N64 when that came out over the old games in that series either.

2) I have played PC games my entire life and was playing Doom and Wolfenstein 3D when they came out and all the other PC shooters after that.  Perfect Dark was a great game despite being on N64.

3) To say it just isn't good is at the disagreement to a whole lot of people.  Again, your opinion, but just don't say it like it's a fact.
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#4  Edited By Stephen_Von_Cloud

You get more experience for completely and working together.  People won't want to level up faster?  They will.  Hell even if its a big action game like Battlefield 2 with light command elements it'll still be awesome, but with a smart reward system they can get people to play as a team.

"Cat Herding Simulator" - haha

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#5  Edited By Stephen_Von_Cloud
@AgentJ said:
@thiago said:
" Haha. MGS Rising isn't even a real MGS game. It is a spinoff and just a cheap way of getting money. An action game with a metal gear logo on it, and it is not even exclusive. HahaMicrosoft's conference was so weak. Let's wait for the Sony one, I have impression Microsoft will get blown out of the water. "
Here's another one to add to the OP!
That's really a great quote.
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#6  Edited By Stephen_Von_Cloud
@Lies said:
" Malak died at the end of KOTOR. Revan's influence is supposedly going to be felt in TOR though, so they are linked. "
That's pretty awesome.  KotoR really was such a great game.
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#7  Edited By Stephen_Von_Cloud

Good to see Splinter Cell being a series everyone is really excited to play again.  I love the old style of games but thought Double Agent wasn't really that great, especially considering how great Splinter Cell 3 was.  I suppose you can only do so much of that stealth before you maybe have to try something else (though Splinter Cell 3 was so great I would have kept playing games like that).  Conviction looks great though and I love how awesome Fisher is in that game.  Its a really badass version of Jason Bourne.

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#8  Edited By Stephen_Von_Cloud

This game I think should have been highlighted by Microsoft.  It seems like something a lot of people will like.

I was excited for it going into E3 but this preview on kotaku from e3 really sold it for me. 

Some choice parts:

I had a chance to check out a demonstration of Gearbox Software's cosmetically mercurial Borderlands today, and it felt rather familiar. Take the wasteland environment, role-playing, and first-person shooter elements of Fallout 3, add in a little bit of Diablo-esque looting and weapon generation, and then give the whole thing a strong focus on co-operative multiplayer and there you have Borderlands...and that's not a bad recipe whatsoever.

Gearbox President Randy Pitchford himself guided us through the demo, which started with two players working their way through a co-operative kill x number of y type mission. This is the first time we've seen the new graphics in motion, and screenshots really don't do the game justice...which I suppose is a problem with any cel-shaded title. While the areas are bleak and expansive, they are also full of life and character...which I suppose is a plus with any cel-shaded title. The game definitely looks sweet in motion.


During the brief Q&A session afterwards, I questions Randy about the Fallout 3 similarities. "The difference here is that Fallout is a roleplaying game with first-person shooter elements. We started as a first-person shooter and then added roleplaying elements to it."

"On top of that, I loved (Fallout) and I was having a great time, but there was also something missing - I couldn't play with my friends - I could never have anyone join in with me. We're actually the first game that's delivered these genres ever that's offering that feature (on consoles)."

Also says the RPG elements are pretty deep.  Sounds very awesome.
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@Kiemoe said:
" I don't know if this changes anything for you guys, but I'm pretty excited for the game because of it. "
Good post.  Yeah that does sound like some good changes.  I still don't know about the 5 campaigns but it sounds like they'll be a lot more interesting though.  That tower part sounded like a lot of fun.