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Will he grow into his lips?

Okay Justin Beiber fans listen up. Your cute Canadian pop-tart is confusing the hell out of me at the moment. First Aaron Carter, and now this guy. At least Beiber isn't doing drugs yet, but he will eventually. All the Aaron Carter wannabes do at some point. So here is where I start to get confused. Aaron Carter, (sorry ladies and few gentlemen), cannot sing. He has zero talent. I'll give him a pass on Dancing With the Stars.  
Anyway, it seems like Justin Beiber has talent. Or is my mind tricking me? Have I been overwhelmed by this angelic Canadian piece of shortness? I'm pretty sure he brainwashes his audience every time he parts his hair to the side. It's a subliminal message of sorts. I accepts the fact that Beiber has some talent, but he isn't perfect. My God look at those LIPS! They are too huge for his body. This is where I get confused ladies and gentlemen. He has all this power from his celebrity status, but nobody is worried about his oversized lips? I think it's a serious health hazard and could be clear signs that infant gigantism still exists. 
The headline on USA Today would read, "Fetal pop singer, Justin Beiber, diagnosed with Kim Kardashian disease"  <-----This leads to a great, "From ass to mouth" joke!  

 I have huge Lips!
 I have huge Lips!

 Can't fit my ass!
 Can't fit my ass!
Note: For those not in the know, Kim Kardashian is known to have gigantism as well. She may never grow into her ass. Much Like how Justin Beiber may never grow into his lips.