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Best of 2009

Here is my list of games that wowed me in 2009.

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  • This was a hard one for me since there were 4 clear games of the year, but Uncharted 2 really was the best overall game of 2009. It has everything you could want in an action/adventure game. Many of the complaints about the original were fixed and the game was challenging enough to give even a seasoned game player a run for their money.

  • Without a doubt the best new game in 2009. If it weren't for Uncharted 2, this would be in the top spot. It really put you into the shoes of Batman with the detective mode and was not simply a brawler or stealth game. It used these elements to compliment a great story coupled with excellent voice acting. Bring on the sequal.

  • As sequels go, you can't do much better than this. They fixed everything that went wrong in the first one and made the game much more enjoyable. You were no longer hampered by the same repetitive objectives, but doing them enhanced your achievements and the overall experience.

  • Another sequel that hit a home run. This one was short on story, but big on game. The multiplayer is by far and away the best overall experience of all games on my list. The game improved little, but where it does it shows. Making this a tighter and more refined experience. I do not see how they top this.

  • I was not as big a fan of the previous Maro & Luigi, but this more than makes up for it. With a great story and awesome gameplay, this was a sleeper hit for me. One that I am still enjoying.

  • I mean to have an Xbox live game on any top 10s is an achievement. But the game is so damn fun and the re playability is a great addition. There is no way to get everything in just one sitting. For the money paid, this is well worth the investment and then some. The 2D sidescroller could be making a comeback with enhanced gameplay and graphics.

  • I am not always into puzzle games, but Professor Layton really makes it easy to play his games. This gets a high spot on this list only due to the challenge of this game. It really is fun and is more of the same of what the original was. And that is a good thing. The animation is wonderful and the gameplay is great.

  • The original Wii Sports was one that I still play, for Tennis, and this adds more fun games to the mix. There is not a night that goes by that me and the wife do not pop this in for a little 3-point competition. It would have been higher on the list if some of the games were more fun to play, such as the bike riding.

  • As someone who hardly ever dabbles in PC gaming, this was a real surprise for me. I saw all the ads and it wasn't until I actually sat down and played it did I realize how great this game was. It was s surprise hit for me, one that I will play through again with different settings.

  • I am not big on drivers, but in recent years you can't turn away from quality games like this and Burnout Paradise. The game is refined and the addition of assists and the ease of getting into this make it the driver of 2009.