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So I noticed something weird about Naoto...

So I've been playing Persona 4 Golden, and I just recently put Naoto in my active party. Now, I'm not sure if it's the added resolution and whatever, but I don't really remember her twirling that pistol of hers so much, like, she's doing it every five seconds in battle. Maybe that's just a detail that I kind of forgot over time or something. But she really likes twirling that pistol and doing tricks with it. Actually, it kind of reminds me of someone...

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Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that they're all that similar. I'm just saying they're exactly the same person. I've put together a couple of sketches to illustrate this point.

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But the similarities don't stop there. Was Naoto's Halloween costume in Golden just a casual extra thrown into the game for creepers? Or does the line run deeper than that? Is detective Shirogane also the leader of the Ocelot unit of Spetznaz? I'm not saying either way weather it's true or not, but the answer is definitely yes.

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Of course, if all of that is indeed true, then that certainly sets certain points at odds with the Persona 4 novel, which purportedly follows the exploits of Shirogane several years after the events of Persona 4 proper. Why did they not cover the Shadow Moses incident in any detail then? Are they trying to hide something?

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"Heart-print camouflage! Can't you even die right?!"

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Pretty interesting stuff for them to have just glossed over completely like that, don't you think?

-Kris Osborn