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My Top Ten

This list isn't in any particular order. I tried to make it so, but it appears to have sorted itself all on it's own. Either way, here is my Top Ten... as of now, anyway.

List items

  • The best game of this classic series. I don't care what you say about FF 7 with it's insane style, and summons and all that, this game had one of the most in-depth stories. Hell, the ending showed you what happened to EVERY CHARACTER. If you played your cards right, you had so many that you practically don't know what to do with them all.

    With all the side-quests, two world maps, hidden items/secrets/characters, this is the penultimate Final Fantasy game, by far.

    Sabin for life!

  • This game blew my effin' mind when I was a kid. Easily my favourite in this series, both due to it's fantastic coloured lighting and graphics at the time, as well as the incredibly immersive storyline, this game was revolutionary . I enjoyed Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, and I'm currently holding my judgements on FFTA2: Grimoire of the Rift.

    After this game the creators took a route with stories aimed at a younger audience. Although the same great gameplay is there, I just wish they'd make another with a more adult theme, but who knows?

    The newest version for the PSP has some nice additions, but in the end is the same, beautiful game, made all those years ago. Get your hands on it!

  • Sure, it totally ripped off the Metroid game-style, but the amalgamation of a huge, fully explorable castle (It is called Castlevania, after all) and bitching RPG elements, they took this series to all new heights.

    Some could argue that it's a bit easy, but that's probably because you've played it so many times you can do it blind-folded. It has some tricky moments, lots of cool unlockables, rare items/armor and, of course, the Joseph Cloak, so you can be uber-styling while you battle the hordes of Dracula's undead minions!

  • Just in case Mega Man wasn't already bad ass enough, Capcom had to go ahead and give him a bitchin' new armour set, the ability to dash and also hang on to walls. I mean, seriously!

    This game ushered in a whole new franchise of Mega Man games, and although I love that classic little blue sprite, I have to say that I enjoy this game more than any of the original NES titles. I can't say that about the rest of the series, however, but still it has spawned it's own spin-offs (Mega Man Zero series) and doesn't appear to be dying off any time soon.

    Now, If we could just figure out how Dr. Light knew to leave all those pods?

  • Beyond the fact that his game single-handedly makes The Wizard watchable, it's also a dynamite sequel in this series, and my favourite by far. It took us back to the original storyline (No more Doki Doki Panic for these kids!) and gave us a massive world and a ton of new power-ups to play with. I mean, come on people, Tanooki Mario? That shit was tight!

  • In easily one of the greatest franchises ever, Mega Man 3 was always my favourite. Most people cite Mega Man 2, but I just can't help myself. This was the first I owned, and I played it to death. I know that Mega Man 2 brought us a killer group of Robot Masters, but I think the bosses in 3 were just as good if not better, not to mention the addition of a bitchin' Robo-Dog and can you really enjoy Mega Man as much without the slide? No, I don't think so!

    The Mega-buster didn't make it's appearance until Mega Man 4, but with Mega Man 3's moderately difficult game-play, great character designs, and, as always, kick ass music, it gets my vote for the best of the series.

  • Two words: Death Match.

    Not only was the story mode great (Okay, Natalia was a pain in the ass), but it had all kinds of difficulty modes, unlockable cheats (Which added MANY hours of gameplay) and most importantly, it gave us the chance to shoot, blow up, stab and ultimately destroy our friends for so many hours that you often realized that the horrible smell you were only slightly conscious of was, in fact, you.

  • This game made the tactical espionage genre what it is today.

    Umm, are there any other tactical espionage games? Splinter Cell, maybe? Oh wait, Syphon Filter! That counts right?


    They don't even touch this puppy. Insanely immersive story, awesome weapons, incredibly inventive boss battles ("You are wreckless... you have not saved often."); you name it, this game has it. Often shunned for it's long cut scenes and dialogue sequences, if you are a fan of crazy, movie-like, story telling then these games are for you.

  • As much as I loved the Nintendo 64 entry into the Super Mario series, this game takes a top ten spot due to it's amazing multi-player aspects. Not only could you race your friends in a little friendly Flower Cup, but you could destroy them in the battle stages.

    If I could count how many hours I've spent in the Block Fort... no scratch that. There are some things I just don't want to know.

  • Reviving this series of games in a big way, DKC ushered in amazing side-scrolling gameplay with, at the time, excellent graphics. This was a game I could actually sit down and play with my sister. It was bananas.

    Sorry. I... I apologize fully.

    It had great music, bosses, stages, as well as a cool two-player co-op, mini-games... anything you could ask for was in these stages.

    Hell, sometimes I'd get so into it, the water stages would make me a little sad. You know what I'm talking about! Don't deny it!