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Letting Off Steam

Steam sales!

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WOOP! I have to say I am contemplating Dragon Age Origins, selling for a wonderfully tempting £22. However there's something that keeps holding me back. I think it's the terrible voice acting, but it might just be the fact that it's Mass Effect with Orcs.
On that note, i'm pissed with World Of Warcraft again. I spent ages bitching about it online last night to End_boss and I kinda wish I had saved a copy of my rant because I can't really remember it at the moment. I think it was general bitching about how World Of Warcraft is no longer a game, it's a set of objectives thst are paramount to what players mistakenly believe to be a higher cause - and as a result the joy has been diluted from the experience in place of merciless efficiency and jealousy. It's a world where players would rather spend 3 hours sitting around waiting for players with the right achievements than just picking 4 random's and actually going off and having an adventure. You don't play the game because of the crafted characters or inspired level design, you barely even recognise this any more. It's all about owning loot and generally being as much of a dick as possible. Wow might not be the prettiest MMO on the market but it's actually been reduced to a series of abstract numbers by it's uncompromisingly elitist player-base. Fuck you, world of warcraft.
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I am also becoming increasingly of the opinion

 that it is not in fact the content of computer games that is corrupting the mind's of the world's youth, as though that were ever really the case. Perhaps we should simply be blaming the amount of time said children are allowed to spend in front of a screen instead of experiencing and learning the basic social tools from interacting with our fellow human beings. If kids are deprived of the basic trial-and-error social dynamics at an early age then it's no surprise that they fall apart later in life when thrown into a live-fire social exercise. Evidence of this can be seen every day on the internet - people who have spent more time in front of a screen with people like themselves than actually in an environment where actions carry consequence. An example can be seen in my housemate: Yesterday half the electricity in my house inexplicably cut out. My bedroom, being on the ground floor, houses the router which needed to be plugged into a different socket. I was at university, my housemate at home. Upon arriving home I discovered that not only had my housemate blindly walked into my room to fix the router but had unplugged all my shit to re-route the power. I was fairly fucking unimpressed. When I yelled at him "what the fuck are you doing, don't go in my fucking room without asking?!?" he looked at me in a confused sort of way and said "But... the internet wasn't working?" as though this were a sufficient excuse for intruding.
See what I mean? It's not because he plays too much Left 4 Dead 2 (he does), it's because he spends too much time in front of a screen in general. Detachment from reality. You probably see a similar thing from people who have lived in isolation for long periods of time. Social fucking dynamics.
Anyways, if Aion Online goes up in the steam sale I will probably pick that up. Apart from that loving Modern Warfare 2, played a bunch today with OmegaPirate and Tylea002, was badass. SCAR + Holo Sight + Stinger. WOOP WOOP :D
Thanks For Reading
Love Sweep