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What do you mean "Funny"? Funny like a clown?


The gaps between my blogs have been growing recently.

Sorry about that. 

Ah January, such a beautiful month. 

Full of hope, optimism, and a new student loan. I actually tried to quit drinking for this most precious of months, fearing that the onslaught of New Years Eve and the Mass of Christ (Coming soon on Xbox 360) would leave me a hollow specter of my former self. It stands to reason that a month of alcohol = a month of hangover. That's maths, and cannot be argued with. Do you know what happens when you argue with maths? Horrible, horrible things

I bought Mafia 2

In the Steam Christmas sale for about £5, which seemed reasonable. I'm slowly working my way through it, in a kind of "I'm going to take my sweet fucking time" kind of way. I enjoy each chapter as an almost episodic product, each sequence of events presenting me my daily fix in a bitesize chunk. This has actually come to replace my daily episode of whateverthefuck i'm currently watching. Ever since I finished The Wire I have been struggling to find a suitable replacement for my quiet (ha) evenings at home. I'm trying to watch Mad Men at the moment, which seems to work well alongside Mafia 2 as they are set in the same era - but it's just so damn slow.    

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Whilst many supposedly found the Mafia 2 campaign too linear, in this scenario I actually like being told exactly what I should be doing and who I should be shooting. The missions give an excellent selection of classic scenes from generic mobster movie X, balanced with some traditional everyday mafioso shenanigans. Every mission provides something new to see and do, and I have to give credit to the versatility of Mafia 2's game design. Mafia 2 frequently ventures off the beaten track, a particular example being when Irish goons burn down your house halfway through the game leaving you with no money or clothes, and forcing you to run to your buddy Joe's house in your underwear. It's not as good as that bit in Kane and Lynch 2 (I can't believe I just said that) but it's pretty good nonetheless.  
The game begins in Europe in WW2, there's a whole sequence inside a prison (Including a short episode in the shower room where... well... you drop the soap. That shit is slippery.) and lots of unique hotels and warehouses which provide really memorable gunfights. The weaponry gives a satisfying punch, and the destructible environments make firing the Tommy Gun completely badass. The writing and characters are all pretty good as well, believable voice work, with that slightly edgy Mafia charm that implies they could flip at any second and cut your fingers off. 
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The game isn't perfect, though

Perfection being a tall order after the sensational Grand Theft Auto franchise nailed Liberty City so successfully in it's latest installment. Being unable to shoot whilst driving is a noticeable problem, as is the inability to hail a cab - frustrating considering the city is so saturated with them. The designers also seem especially proud of their fighting system, a relatively simple punch'n'block charade into which you are repeatedly forced. Sometimes this feels appropriate (in the prison, for example) but there are times when it feels labored and I just wish I could pull out my gun and shoot the fucker in the face.  
Mafia 2 also boasts an impressively anal traffic system, characters shouting discomfort at your nonchalance for red lights, speed limits, and pedestrian lives. Just like in real life, however, the police are equally alert, and it's pretty frustrating being constantly badgered by the local constabulary for going slightly over the speed limit. The driving in Mafia 2 is robust and it can be tolerated, though not excessively so. The game can't expect me to actually obey the highway code at all times... right? That's getting way too real, way too fast. 
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Possibly my favorite thing about Mafia 2 is it's fantastically accurate portrayal of 50's America. There aren't many radio stations (only 3?) but each blares some pretty exemplary music, along with advertisements for the latest new fangled technology, at which one cannot help but laugh. I'm generally really enjoying the post-WW2 vibe, the cars, the clothes, everything. It's like exploring Fallout 3 before the nukes went off and the land was covered in feral ghouls, something of which I am constantly reminded. The general population does a good job of just lounging around, getting on with their lives, talking, spying on their neighbors, having sex - the random stuff you can overhear and see if you explore gives a lot of life to the city. I also quite like the bizarre selection of interactions available within any domestic building. I can turn on the faucet, pick up the phone, open the window. What gameplay purpose do these actions serve? Absolutely fuck all. There's something quite surreal about it... i'm suspicious of their inclusion, as though i'm expecting to have to turn on the faucet at some pivotal moment in the campaign. What does it mean?


That's pretty much all I have been playing this month, in relatively small doses no less. Oh yeah, and World Of Warcraft, though in similarly small doses. I'm level 69 (shh) and just got to Howling Fjord, having trudged my way through the pathetically redundant quest design of Outlands.


I'm not sure I like Bulletstorm. It seems to be trying slightly too hard to be over the top. That works when you have a genuine sense of humor, like Borderlands or Duke Nukem for example, but fails when your jokes primarily concern dick and fart jokes. I don't understand why a game which will undoubtedly be rated M is being marketed in such a condescendingly crude manner. HEY LOOK GUYS, YOU CAN SHOOT THIS MONSTER IN THE BALLS!! LOL!!!   
Using the word "fuck" repeatedly doesn't make you big and cool. Unless you are a sentient cheeseburger.  
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Having said that, the EPIC edition comes with Beta access to Gears Of War 3. So i'm buying it. Don't fucking judge me, it's not like I had any principles anyway... 


Thanks For Reading 
Love Sweep


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Edited By sweep  Moderator


The gaps between my blogs have been growing recently.

Sorry about that. 

Ah January, such a beautiful month. 

Full of hope, optimism, and a new student loan. I actually tried to quit drinking for this most precious of months, fearing that the onslaught of New Years Eve and the Mass of Christ (Coming soon on Xbox 360) would leave me a hollow specter of my former self. It stands to reason that a month of alcohol = a month of hangover. That's maths, and cannot be argued with. Do you know what happens when you argue with maths? Horrible, horrible things

I bought Mafia 2

In the Steam Christmas sale for about £5, which seemed reasonable. I'm slowly working my way through it, in a kind of "I'm going to take my sweet fucking time" kind of way. I enjoy each chapter as an almost episodic product, each sequence of events presenting me my daily fix in a bitesize chunk. This has actually come to replace my daily episode of whateverthefuck i'm currently watching. Ever since I finished The Wire I have been struggling to find a suitable replacement for my quiet (ha) evenings at home. I'm trying to watch Mad Men at the moment, which seems to work well alongside Mafia 2 as they are set in the same era - but it's just so damn slow.    

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Whilst many supposedly found the Mafia 2 campaign too linear, in this scenario I actually like being told exactly what I should be doing and who I should be shooting. The missions give an excellent selection of classic scenes from generic mobster movie X, balanced with some traditional everyday mafioso shenanigans. Every mission provides something new to see and do, and I have to give credit to the versatility of Mafia 2's game design. Mafia 2 frequently ventures off the beaten track, a particular example being when Irish goons burn down your house halfway through the game leaving you with no money or clothes, and forcing you to run to your buddy Joe's house in your underwear. It's not as good as that bit in Kane and Lynch 2 (I can't believe I just said that) but it's pretty good nonetheless.  
The game begins in Europe in WW2, there's a whole sequence inside a prison (Including a short episode in the shower room where... well... you drop the soap. That shit is slippery.) and lots of unique hotels and warehouses which provide really memorable gunfights. The weaponry gives a satisfying punch, and the destructible environments make firing the Tommy Gun completely badass. The writing and characters are all pretty good as well, believable voice work, with that slightly edgy Mafia charm that implies they could flip at any second and cut your fingers off. 
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The game isn't perfect, though

Perfection being a tall order after the sensational Grand Theft Auto franchise nailed Liberty City so successfully in it's latest installment. Being unable to shoot whilst driving is a noticeable problem, as is the inability to hail a cab - frustrating considering the city is so saturated with them. The designers also seem especially proud of their fighting system, a relatively simple punch'n'block charade into which you are repeatedly forced. Sometimes this feels appropriate (in the prison, for example) but there are times when it feels labored and I just wish I could pull out my gun and shoot the fucker in the face.  
Mafia 2 also boasts an impressively anal traffic system, characters shouting discomfort at your nonchalance for red lights, speed limits, and pedestrian lives. Just like in real life, however, the police are equally alert, and it's pretty frustrating being constantly badgered by the local constabulary for going slightly over the speed limit. The driving in Mafia 2 is robust and it can be tolerated, though not excessively so. The game can't expect me to actually obey the highway code at all times... right? That's getting way too real, way too fast. 
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Possibly my favorite thing about Mafia 2 is it's fantastically accurate portrayal of 50's America. There aren't many radio stations (only 3?) but each blares some pretty exemplary music, along with advertisements for the latest new fangled technology, at which one cannot help but laugh. I'm generally really enjoying the post-WW2 vibe, the cars, the clothes, everything. It's like exploring Fallout 3 before the nukes went off and the land was covered in feral ghouls, something of which I am constantly reminded. The general population does a good job of just lounging around, getting on with their lives, talking, spying on their neighbors, having sex - the random stuff you can overhear and see if you explore gives a lot of life to the city. I also quite like the bizarre selection of interactions available within any domestic building. I can turn on the faucet, pick up the phone, open the window. What gameplay purpose do these actions serve? Absolutely fuck all. There's something quite surreal about it... i'm suspicious of their inclusion, as though i'm expecting to have to turn on the faucet at some pivotal moment in the campaign. What does it mean?


That's pretty much all I have been playing this month, in relatively small doses no less. Oh yeah, and World Of Warcraft, though in similarly small doses. I'm level 69 (shh) and just got to Howling Fjord, having trudged my way through the pathetically redundant quest design of Outlands.


I'm not sure I like Bulletstorm. It seems to be trying slightly too hard to be over the top. That works when you have a genuine sense of humor, like Borderlands or Duke Nukem for example, but fails when your jokes primarily concern dick and fart jokes. I don't understand why a game which will undoubtedly be rated M is being marketed in such a condescendingly crude manner. HEY LOOK GUYS, YOU CAN SHOOT THIS MONSTER IN THE BALLS!! LOL!!!   
Using the word "fuck" repeatedly doesn't make you big and cool. Unless you are a sentient cheeseburger.  
No Caption Provided

Having said that, the EPIC edition comes with Beta access to Gears Of War 3. So i'm buying it. Don't fucking judge me, it's not like I had any principles anyway... 


Thanks For Reading 
Love Sweep
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Edited By jmfinamore

Reading your thoughts on Mafia 2 has made me want LA Noire that much more. I really am pumped for that game. Also, I had trouble getting into Mad Men too. Every time I get on a good run, I just seem to burn out on it. I still haven't gotten past season 2. 

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Edited By Rolyatkcinmai

Great blog title. Made me click.

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Edited By sweep  Moderator
@HarlequinRiot: Dude, fucking tell me about it! I am so stoked for LA Noire that I start hyperventilating if I think about it too much. Game is going to be off the hook
@Rolyatkcinmai: Cheers duder, I try my best ;)
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Edited By Yummylee

Mafia 2's alright, though it's sitting pretty firmly on the 3 star mark for me. The missions are really good and offer some surprising variety, but it's that age old complaint of ''why is this set in an open world??''. It was a waste of resources to have such a city available to you, only for it to literally act as some eye candy as you constantly drive through it to missions and objectives. I was also playing on the ps3 version as well, so some of the clothing was nigh unwearable since the bottom half of the trenchoats literally stuck to your legs as you ran; it made it look like Vito was wearing a skirt. Overall the clothes weren't as robust as I expecting. Where's my gawd damn buttoned up double breasted suit with the red tie I kept seeing so much of in the promotions?? 
Anywhoo.. the game itself it alright, but the DLC packs are an absolute sin. Both Jimmy DLCs and that Joe's Adventures where a complete waste, and joes adventures especially, a monumental disappointment. 

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Edited By Fallen189

Lol 69

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Edited By Video_Game_King

Don't tell me what to do. I'll argue with maths all I fucking want.

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Edited By Claude

 Soap on a Rope... Man's best friend.
 Soap on a Rope... Man's best friend.
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Edited By sweep  Moderator
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Edited By SSully

I gave up on Mafia 2, and I am only a few missions away from beating it. It just got so fucking tedious and boring. I am now just hoping L.A. Noire does not follow suit, and actually delivers a good game.  
I just started watching Mad Men this month and I can attest to it being slow. I had to rewatch the first two episodes because I realized when I was about to start the third I didn't remember anything that happened. I am all good now though, everything in the show is very subtle so I try to only watch it when I know I will be able to pay attention.  
Also I dont give a fuck what anyone says, Bulletstorm, despite its shit marketing, looks like it is going to be a fun ass game. My horrible use of vocabulary in that last sentence might give proof that I am the exact person this game is going for.

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Edited By Video_Game_King
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Edited By Gabriel

I had a dream Cliffy B told  me Bulletstorm wasn't really any good, then he flew away. So I'm gonna base my Bulletstorm purchasing decision off that.

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Edited By bonbolapti

Bulletstorm is all the Gears of War B-Roll! hurhurhur

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Edited By sweep  Moderator
@SSully said:
"Also I dont give a fuck what anyone says, Bulletstorm, despite its shit marketing, looks like it is going to be a fun ass game. My horrible use of vocabulary in that last sentence might give proof that I am the exact person this game is going for. "
No doubt it will be great to play, Epic has been pretty consistent in the quality of their products and I have no reason to believe it will be anything other than highly enjoyable. I just don't like being patronized by a marketing team that thinks we are all simple minded buffoons.
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Edited By W0lfbl1tzers
@Gabriel said:
" I had a dream Cliffy B told  me Bulletstorm wasn't really any good, then he flew away. So I'm gonna base my Bulletstorm purchasing decision off that. "
I don't know what is more disturbing, the fact that I believe you or that I believe Cliffy B. has a machine that allows him to fly into people's dreams.
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Edited By AhmadMetallic

man you made me wanna play Mafia 2 again.. ITS TOO SOON  IVE ONLY BEATEN IT A FEW MONTHS AGO 
and, there are people having SEX in the world of Mafia 2 ? how the FUCK did i miss that? ELABORATE BITCH !!

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Edited By Oni

I liked Mafia 2. Not as good as the first one, though, the story was a bit of a letdown. But the shooting was great, the driving felt incredibly solid, and the atmosphere is amazing.

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Edited By iam3green

nice blog. i enjoyed reading your kind of review/ thoughts on mafia 2. i haven't played the game.

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@Sweep: The Shield is a great "follow-up" to The Wire. They contrast and compliment each other nicely. Just don't try and compare the two, though; they are very different beasts. 
If you don't fancy that, Breaking Bad is the best on-going, if not best-ever, series. By the end of the third season, given how the story and characters evolve so naturally, it is easily up to The Wire's standards in terms of writing and acting.
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Edited By Oni
@GetEveryone: Yeah The Shield is awesome. Still have to watch The Wire though.
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Edited By Tennmuerti
@Sweep said:

" @SSully said:

"Also I dont give a fuck what anyone says, Bulletstorm, despite its shit marketing, looks like it is going to be a fun ass game. My horrible use of vocabulary in that last sentence might give proof that I am the exact person this game is going for. "
No doubt it will be great to play, Epic has been pretty consistent in the quality of their products and I have no reason to believe it will be anything other than highly enjoyable. I just don't like being patronized by a marketing team that thinks we are all simple minded buffoons. "
I actually dislike that the EPIC label is even being associated with Bulletstorm.
Considering it's being made by one of my all time favorite developers  People Can Fly. (original Painkiller devs)
Don't mind that Epic has picked them up and gave them a chance to develop another awesome game. But it's irritating the way Cliffy B. is swinging his dick around in commercials like it's his game. If this game is to be picked up for anything it's because People Can Fly made it, not because Cliffy is making shitty commercials for it.
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Edited By sweep  Moderator
@Oni said:
" @GetEveryone: Yeah The Shield is awesome. Still have to watch The Wire though. "
You haven't seen The Wire? Fuck, dude, rectify that shit immediately. It's the best thing I have ever seen on a television. And I have seen a lot of shit on televisions.
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Edited By Ghostiet

Try Boardwalk Empire if seeking for a TV series about mafia.