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I still can't believe it's actually coming out, almost wouldn't be surprised at a last minute delay, it just feels surreal to me.

I'm someone that thinks Shadow of the colossus is approaching the level of a masterpiece, it's genuinely one of my all time favourite games and TLG seems more like a sequel to Ico, which I did not enjoy as much. I feel the combat in Ico is too floaty and ineffectual, and put me off the game to be honest. Compared to Shadow where combat was confined to the colossus battles, which in my opinion, one was better implemented and more effective in taking down the enemies, and two gave more weight to the story and feelings of remorse when you slay the giant beasts. I felt bad for antagonising and killing the colossi and if I was mowing down hordes of enemies on the way to the colossi it would lose the purpose and meaning to the violence.

I'm keeping an open mind, and if TLG has tighter controls, combat wise, than Ico did I can see myself really enjoying it as as I said earlier that was what pulled me away from Ico and ended up frustrating me.

I don't think this game will be brilliant, mostly because of the development hell it fell in to, but I'm glad they are finally releasing it, so the team can put it behind them and go on to a new project. Even if it does end up being mediocre at best. I appreciate their approach to games and the industry would be lesser without them.

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Definitely Mafia III, interested in every aspect of that game from the main character, his story and motivations to the city you explore and the soundtrack. Can't remember a game I've played set in New Orleans except maybe Voodoo Vince on OG XBox, so it will be great to explore that locale and the mix of cultures. Really hoping they knock this one out of the park, everything is in place for it to be phenomenal in my eyes it just depends if they can deliver on the execution.

As apposed to Watch_Dogs 2, which I couldn't care less about. So yeah, Mafia III!

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This is amazing.

All I want to know though is if it's possible to visit the meat dimension again?

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Always thought God of war should go round other mythologies anyway so I welcome the Norse setting. Not entirely sold on the serious slow paced plodding, but maybe they can pull it off. Truth is we haven't seen much yet to make a proper judgement.

Definitely interested in the game just kinda hoping they don't pretend to be going serious just to pull the old switcheroo and kill his kid to make him all "ME KRATOS... ME ANGRY" again.

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@convuko: Your chair needs to by high enough that, when sitting your arm is at 90 degrees to the floor, straight arm, straight wrist. Bending your wrist and hand upwards is not good. In my view that is your biggest issue. You should also look into lumbar support if you get discomfort in your back with extended use of the PC. Did a quick search for something that could help you and found this:

....yes, I know. But from my understanding of ergonomics this is actually good advice. Hope it helps duder!

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If they were really gonna do a HD remaster, it would be counterintuitive to make RDR backwards compatible on XB1. Not gonna happen

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I watched the whole panel and left extremely disappointed. CaH has gone downhill in my opinion, not interested in what they are doing anymore, seriously.....cactus. That's not funny. Don't know why I didn't skip it to be honest, all I was there for was GB.

Thought it would pick up when CaH ended, but, nope still no GB. Random middle panel that ends up playing a couple of videos and ultimately goes nowhere, what a waste of time.

Finally GB take the stage. The VR entrance was dumb and I loved it, I though it would kick off something great! Unfortunately not. The short time they had was nowhere near long enough in my opinion. GB are great when they ramble on past what you'd expect, it allows the guys to settle in to what they are doing and really brings out their character. Only takeaway was the two announcements, and while I liked both, I don't feel they needed a panel just to announce them.

I've enjoyed GB panels in the past and found them entertaining. This seemed like they were shoehorned in on the end because CaH couldn't find enough "jokes" to fill the whole event on their own. If they really wanted to commit to CaHxGB they should have had one huge panel where they all play off each other, it could have led to something a bit more entertaining. As it stands both halves had too little time to do anything worthwhile.

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Man what a random thing to bring back

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Man that's fucking awesome!

You could say it's.....the bomb!

...ill see myself out :(