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Fianally using my Wii...

So I finally got around to getting a game other than Wii Sports to go into my Nintendo Wii.  I seriously don't know why i got this system and is probably the worst choice in system I have ever made.  Don't get me wrong, the Nintendo Wii is a great machine and has some good games.  I don't play it much though.  I got the Wii on a whim and just played Wii Sports for a bit but then put down the controllers, for about 4 months.  Then I got this urge to go get Super Mario Galaxy.  But at 50 dollars, I kept going back and forth.  Having Xbox Live, my view of games has been skewed because all the games I get have multiplayer and offer more than a single player experience, it is something that I can share with my friends.  The Nintendo WiFi service is a bunch of crap and is worse than the PlayStation Network.  Lag and friends codes are something that should never be in online gaming.  The codes also, that is something that seems to be reminiscent of having to type in your friend's IP adress to play a game with them, and that shit went down 15 years ago.
And with so many crappy games coming out for the Wii, it makes it hard to justify its purchase.  But I guess I am keeping to my guns and as long as Nintendo puts out a system with Nintendo games, then I will have it.  From the NES, SNES, N64, GameCube and now Wii, I am here still only gonna play games that Nintendo puts out.  The N64 was the last platform that was my main gaming system.  But here we are, Nintendo does not disappoint when it comes to their games.
I got Super Mario Galaxy and the only thing that I find wrong with this game is the layout of getting from place to place and the screen resolution.  This game is beautiful but at only 480p on my nice 1080p TV, it makes me wonder what could have been.  The layout of the game, having to be on a base then go to observatories and then choose a galaxy to go to, it seems a little cumbersome to get to the action.  It is almost like what they had in Super Mario 64, but the castle you had to use as a hub to play the different levels was fun to explore because it was obvious that there was some hidden stuff there.
Super Mario Galaxy is a beautiful game as I said before.  The colors, effects and characters all stand out.  The game itself, once you get going, is great, some really fun levels where things turn upside down constantly and you have to think on your feet because there are some great mind and gravity bending puzzles there.  I have decided to really be a completionist and finish this game like I did Super Mario World, 100%.  Of course doing that on that game took me about 10 years, so maybe this game will make me use my Wii for a while no?  I have only collected 9 stars out of I don't know how many.  It is fun so far and hope this keeps me going as I feel I will be coming up on a pretty dry gaming spell.


Wii Stagnates, PS3 Catches Up, 360 still on top

There is no doubting that financials say something about how well a system or how bad a system is doing.
The Wii is an amazing turnaround story for Nintendo but it feels like its features are so archaic in todays day and age, that you wonder who is really enjoying this thing.  So many sold is a testament to its appeal and a few hits like Wii Sports, Super Smash Bros and Super Mario Galaxy can make many think that other amazing or just plain fun games will be coming by the truck load, but that hasn't really been the case.  Again, we are waiting for Nintendo's hits and no one elses.  since the launch, the Wii has had a few improvements but these are no where near the industry standard.  Friend codes are so cumbersome that a community is not built up.  Online play itself for games is so barebones that it is not a selling point where as PC, 360 and some PS3 games have it as the meat of the game now.  The Wii will be able to shine if it fixes its online component to be more sophisticated or comes out with some more great party and amazing single player games.  But so far, the Wii has not hit its stride of pumping out great games and makes me worry it never will.  If this keeps up, the next nintendo system will not do so well.
The PS3 has made big strides in terms of games and improvements to the system itself.  Of course I still see the 360 as the king of features and games.  Sony has mostly done things to catch up to the 360 and fix mistakes it made at the beginning of the PS3's life.  the SixAxiS is a thing of the past and cant remember the last time anyone mentioned it as a great feature in a game.  Rumble is back and everyone is grateful for that.  Wii the Wiimote having greater range of motion and pointing built in with rumble, it makes us still wonder what Sony was thinking by not including it.  (they should just admit they lost that lawsuit).  Then you got features of the system itself and again, playing catch up, the PSN now has movies for rent, arcade games and old PSX games.  Though Nintendo did offer classic games first, catch up Sony.  It is late 2008 and the PSN is still inferior to Xbox Live.  Yes it is free but no where near as good as the 360 or PC online play.  The fact that games come out with their online components broken is not a good sign as to where sony puts their priorities when it comes online features.  Trophies are here... but they are still not in all games, and for people like me who have both systems, I will not get a multiplatform game for the PS3 since I have spent 3 years building up my achievements.  Home is still not here.  Sony has built a reputation of making promises and not keeping them.  Hopefully for the PS4, they will have learned a lot, and I mean a lot for the next generation.  I will say the PS3 is a great piece of hardware, quiet and a great Blu Ray player, but as far as games and features, the 360 still has my attention.


Got the Job!

Well great news.  I got me that job I had been hoping for.  Getting paid a good 60k to start with which is not too bad.  And living here with the parents will allow me to save a lot of cash for the time being.  So now what I am contemplating is getting a new car, but which one?  Well I already have my heart set on a ford mustang.  I either want the V6 with the pony package or the GT.  I just hope that I can get it soon.  I am thinking maybe they will let me have it with no down payment, but I can pull that off if I get a loan from the bank instead of the dealership.


Looking for a job.

Well, right now I am still looking for a job.  I just had an interview with a consulting company here in Irvine, CA.  A lot of the managers there had degrees from MIT which made me feel better.  I would like to work in a place with people that went to the same school I did.  Gives us something to talk about during lunch.  I have been thinking about the great things that I could buy if I got this job, especially since it is 9 minutes from my parents house.  So I got a list of the cool stuff I want to buy or do with my first pay check.
First is that I need to pay off my credit card.  I got this Best Buy Mastercard which is bad ass.  I have been able to fully pay it off until recently but I can pay for it for a couple more months but I would feel better with no balance on it.  It is awesome to use because you get Reward Zone points for everything you buy.  I have gotten a crap load of points and lots of rewards certificates which I used to buy a couple games.
Though as soon as I know I have a job, I am gonna buy these super sweet, black and white Jordans I have had my eye on for a while.
Rock Band 2 is coming soon and if I get a job, I am getting that game on launch day.
Well, I have a Razr V3m which sucks ass.  I hate this phone, the battery lasts only a day, even if I don't talk on it.  And it has so many limitations because I have it on Verizon.  The phone i am eyeing is the HTC Touch Diamond which has not gotten complete praise but I think it looks sweet.  I really want it and will get that too.
Finally, I want to get a car.  I have loved that Ford Mustang since it got redesigned back in 2004.  So now I am ready to finally get it and while my girlfriend wants me to get a 4 door car, and I worry about gas money, this is the car I am getting.  V6 with pony package with the white tape stripe.  It will be sweet.
So I think I am close to getting this job.  I will take it if they offer me something and I am hoping the pay will be good.  Maybe I can move out of my parent's house soon because things are starting to get on my nerves.

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