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Most Anticipated of E3 2015

Games I'm lookin forward to!

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  • It wasn't until I saw that demo at the Sony press conference that I realized how much I like the Uncharted games. Fun shooting, great characters, exciting set pieces. They're just a good time all-around.

    I don't usually replay games, but I've played each of the Uncharted games multiple times. The third one not as much, thanks to a borked PS3, but still.

    Can't wait for this one.

  • Playing through Enemy Unknown had that sort of progression I like in games like this. Start out and shit's real rough, but near the end you're basically a squad of alien-stomping superheroes.

    I doubt we'll see anything completely insane like the snipers in EU, but I'm sure I'll have a ton of fun with this one all the same.

  • Speaking of completely insane. it's Just Cause 3! This is a game-ass video game. The tether, the parachute, stunt position, explosions to progress. They ain't fuckin around here.

  • I quite liked Fallout 3. Sure, the wasteland got real boring by the end, but I had a fun time going through and making heads explode in VATS on the way.

    Crafting this time around looks like fun as well.

  • This thing just looks fresh as hell. Goddamn. Super-post-apocalyptic tribal humanity hunting giant robotic dinosaurs.

    Fuckin A.

  • I can't handle how good this thing looks. It's probably best they show so little of it during conferences.

    I'm not really looking to get an XBOX any time soon, but I need to see more Cuphead. I NEED IT.

  • The first Battlefront was a game I spent hundreds of hours playing, and the gameplay they showed of this one reminded me of all those hours, so that's a plus.

    I'm not too thrilled with the hero stuff coming up again though. The fun part for me was always the thought of being a grunt in a big Star Wars battle. Not being able to play as a hero/villain in Battlefront 1 really emphasized that, especially when they were basically unstoppable killing machines. Seriously, they were in essence environmental hazards that killed you in one hit.

    Actually taking on one of them felt like desparately delaying the inevitable, at least until you realize you can kill Count Dooku by blasting him off Bespin with a grenade. So fucking satisfying. But when they let you play as them in Battlefront 2, it just sort of took me out of it, and more importantly wasn't particularly fun.

    Of course, I'm sure it's totally optional here as well, so it'll probably be fine.

  • That trailer was slick as fuck.

  • The stage demo was pretty lame, but holy moly those scenes in the trailer afterwards looked phenomenal. The first Tomb Raider left me underwhelmed narrativly, but the game itself was actually good fun.

    I'll totally shoot more dudes with a bow and arrow while Lara realizes her destiny, or something.

  • I wasn't that blown away by the trailer for this, but it's another Deus Ex, so I'm lookin forward to it.

    I dunno, this is sorta like No Man's Sky or Doom, where I'll probably really like it when I finally play it, but until then it's just sorta whatever.

    Don't get me wrong, I was way excited for No Man's Sky when it was first revealed, but at this point I just wanna play it.