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Best of 2009

TheMeat: Best of 2009

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  • One of the most memorable single player experiences I've ever had. Awesome from start to finish!

  • I think the game surprised everyone, but it shocked me how good it was. Really, really, really close to my 'Game of the Year.'

  • Great co-op, fun single player, crazy weapons, MMORPG elements. I'm still having a lot of fun with Borderlands, but it's making me want to play WoW again... uh oh.

  • My favorite fighter of 2009 by far. I loved the 2D animation, even if it was a pretty generic Anime art style. The fighting was crazy and I felt the online was more fun than Street Fighter IV... Plus I was significantly better at BlazBlue than Street Fighter, so that counts for something.

  • This game is flawed but the campaign was a riot. Good tunes, great voice acting, and a fun world to be in. I'm hoping to hop into the multiplayer soon, because I actually do like some of the RTS elements.

  • I wish I could make a tie. Killzone 2 was released so early in the year it's hard not to like Modern Warfare 2 more just because its new. I played Killzone 2 last night and then Modern Warfare right after and I had an equal amount of fun with both of them. Both games have great multiplayer and a very "blah" campaign. Modern Warfare gets the edge for split screen multiplayer and local and online co-op.

  • I wish I could make a tie. Killzone 2 was released so early in the year it's hard not to like Modern Warfare 2 more just because its new. I played Killzone 2 last night and then Modern Warfare right after and I had an equal amount of fun with both of them. Both games have great multiplayer and a very "blah" campaign. Modern Warfare gets the edge for split screen multiplayer and local and online co-op.

  • It's Ratchet and Clank. Nothing more, nothing less. And that's a good thing.

  • This is just speculative. I won't be getting this game until after Christmas and probably won't get a chance to play it until the New Year so who knows. Based on my gaming interests though and my love for other BioWare games, I have a feeling this will vault to near the top of my 'Game of the Year' list. But for now, it holds the 10 spot.