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I just crossed a dark threshold...I'm not sure how I feel.

I did a thing tonight that I would never have expected I'd do. I think I just became a PC gamer.

Ok I play games on the PC but I've had a mac for a while now so it's mainly League of Legends and whatever Steam games I feel like fiddling with that work for my system. Aside from that it's been primarily 360 and even back when I had a PC I was primarily a console kid.

However, with the upcoming new generation of consoles I've been fully intending on getting an XBONE. Until tonight. I've been thinking about it recently and I'd kinda like to get into trying some streaming stuff, maybe throw up some stupidity on youtube and the Mac Mini I have right now isn't close to being able to handle that. The majority of what I play right now is League. There's a wealth of games on Steam, some of which I've bought cause they were cheap that I can't play. There's just too many reasons to not upgrade my PC. So I went and took the money I was setting aside for the Xbox and I went and spent it on a PC. I'll get the new system next year sometime, I can't not have a console, but it seems like for now, it's PC for me. I'm still coming to grips with what I've done.