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#1  Edited By TheSouthernDandy

For anybody interested in getting into the hobby or people in it and interested in new stuff, over on beastsofwar.comthey're kicking off Warpath Weekend. Warpath is a new game system being created by Mantic Games and written by Alessio Cavatore. For those unfamiliar, Alessio was responsible for a bunch of Games Workshop stuff including Lord of the Rings, some Warhammer fantasy and he wrote the fifth edition 40K rule set.

Warpath (as well as Mantics fantasy game, Kings of War) is kinda cool because in addition to being a brand new game with new models, you can also use them to substitute for 40K stuff. Why would you do this? Well in addition to having some cool models they're cheaper then GW stuff. They have their own version of Orks and the other race they've shown is the Forgefathers.

Space Dwarves. That's right. Space Dwarves. Awesome. 40K actually used to have their own version of space dwarves called Squats in past editions but they got rid of them.

Anyway, apparently they're gonna be showing new stuff, rules, concept art, announcing seven of the eight races this weekend. Definitely worth checking out.

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#3  Edited By TheSouthernDandy

@RE_Player92 said:

I'm not trying to sound like a sarcastic prick, this is a genuine question. Does the Kinect have some special tech in it that recognizes voice better? Why couldn't you do this with a regular mic?

Probably yeah, I think it's just there as a bullet point. Basically if you have your Kinect on, you can use it. I imagine that there's other little things you'll be able to do for this game.

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#4  Edited By TheSouthernDandy

Maan there's gonna be some good games coming out of this.

If either Ret or Naniwa take it i'll be super stoked.

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#5  Edited By TheSouthernDandy

@chrismafuchris said:

I'm raising a concern because it affects me, so by Zipf's law, there must be someone who is very much affected by it.

I would love to get a membership, but I don't have a credit card, a source of income, nor the desperation to beg for money, so don't try and shame me that way.

I dunno dude...I can understand being bummed you can't watch it but that's kinda a silly thing to get bent out of shape over. It's label. That content is for premium members. It's pretty cut and dry.

EDIT: I've read further and have more to say. Thus the edit.

So it's the fact that it's visible to non paying members? Is that the problem? That just makes sense. You want people who don't have a membership to see they're missing stuff so they want a membership. You don't hide that stuff.

Ok now I'm done again.

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#7  Edited By TheSouthernDandy

@RsistncE said:

I find it difficult to believe that since the advent of video games that there are still people out there that want to play table top games. I mean what's the point now?

...I can't tell if you're trolling. I hope you are cause if not...

Are you serious?? I can't believe since the advent of movies people even want to read books. I mean what's the point now?

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#8  Edited By TheSouthernDandy

@Jeffsekai said:

That techpriest is amazing.

This. Awesome work dude.

And also you're welcome! :D

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#9  Edited By TheSouthernDandy

Not at all really. I actually find if things are going crappy, playing a game helps me to forget about it for a little while.

I can usually just ignore whatever the situation is. Not sure if that's good or bad.

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#10  Edited By TheSouthernDandy

@big_jon: nice work, that's super rad

@insane_shadowblade85 said:

@TheSouthernDandy said:


Give this page a look.

You've got a bunch of options for specific Space Marines. The Combat Squad is probably your best best if you just want a few guys to paint up. If you don't feel like ordering online give the store finder a try, you'd be able to find what you're looking for at a GW store pretty easy and they've got all the paint there too. Throw some pics up when you get em done :)

I was just looking at that exact page lol.

There's a lot of cool looking stuff there. Once I put more money in my bank account (I can easily afford anything there, it's just something I do before buying anything) and I haven't changed my mind (and if it turns out decent) I'll try and post a pic or two. Quick question though; I was just looking at a lot of the models and came across some that are described as blisters. What's a blister? And thanks for the reply =)

Not a problem at all sir. It's basically just the packaging. Blister packs are sorta the standard toy lookin boxes, clear plastic box with a cardboard backing, they usually just have a sticker with the model name on it. They're usually used for metal figures but GW is replacing all the metal stuff with a resin/plastic. The boxes are a little fancier, nice pictures and whatnot. Those mini's are usually attached to sprues that you need to cut the mini's off and assemble etc.